chapter 11| Almost Queen

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I leaped into his arms.
"Gods I'm so stupid!" I cried out. My head nuzzled into his neck, tears ran down my face. "Sh.." Loki whispered into my ear. "But, I forgot about you. The person I love.."
He wrapped his arms tight around me. He placed me back to the ground and wiped my tears. Loki passed the box back to me. "Open it."

"But I'm meant to open it when 'we rule' " I said in a confused demeanour.
Loki smirked.
"You don't mean.."

"Oh I do," he replied.

I went to hug him again. Once we mutually pulled away. I opened it, there sat a jade stone thumb rign. It was beautiful. I put it on and Loki bent down to kiss my hand. We caught up, he explained how his parents passed and how Thor was to busy to be the King Asgard needed. So Loki took the throne, and a promise is a promise so he came to find me. I'm glad one of us remembered honestly.

If neither of us did, I wouldn't be so happy.

"I'm glad your going to help me rule, lead Asgard."
I smile at Lokis comment.

We discussed when I'd arrive in Asgard. We decided 3 days from now. I had a lot to prepare for. Plus a lot to pack.

I still felt shit about forgetting about Loki, after everything.

That wasn't what I should have been worried about. I had sort myself out.

Hours were spent packing, light weight dresses and heels. Making sure they weren't to earth looking. I made sure to back the white dress I wore back from Asgard. I should hopefully have some dresses over there anyway.

I dropped on my bed. It was so comfortable. I literally sank in. After resting for a while I continued to pack. A small bag full of makeup: lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, foundation, concealer and a bunch more. Another separate bag had perfume and deodorants in.

I kept working till the day I had to leave, I explained to Ms Anderson that I was moving countries, told her to keep Anna safe. And with that Loki came to take me to my new home.

First place we went was obviously the bedroom, I need to settle in. I made myself at home.

"My dove, we have somethings to do before you are officially the Queen of Asgard."

I was confused. What did he mean?

"A ceremony will be held for you, my sweet."

"And when will that take place?" I ask.

"Next week." He replied bluntly.

I cba to do the ceremony so idk go watch the one in " the other boleyn girl" cuz that's how I imagine this to be ig. I know you only see the crown being placed on her head.

Anyway stay safe Xx

~Tay <3

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