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What could be so special?

A cluster of thoughts filled my head. One after another.
I hadn't even realised how zoned out I was until I noticed Marie waving.

"Oh gods, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Your majesty, please do not stress over it. You are most likely very curious about the dress."

I nodded. I'm glad she understood. I wanted to know.  What did Loki have planned?

"Is there anything you'd like added to your dress?" The girl asked.

"No, it's perfect the way it is, thank you."

And with that, we split ways. She told me to find her tomorrow afternoon in the sewing room to be measured.

I found myself so bored, wandering around the castle. I ended up in the library, it was my first time there since I spoke with Frigga all those years ago. Where I told her I romantically had feelings for Loki...

Those feelings went away for years whilst we were unconnected. Now we are together those feeling are back, and I'm so glad they are. I searched through the historical section. Nothing on Midgard which I hoped I'd find. 

I ended up with a pop-up book, one that I had been read as a child.
I only chose it because of the memories.

I probably looked childish, I couldnt understand a word of it.

The front cover read " mjög svangur maðkur ".

" A very hungry caterpillar?" A voice from behind said. A small chuckle came with it. I turned to see Loki.

"Yeah is there an issue?"

"Oh, of course not my Dove."

Loki sat down beside me and read me the story, it sounded so peaceful.


Ok, alright. We are wrapping up here, permanently? Maybe.

Please do stay safe! I will be putting out a new story (it's been started :]) idk if I'll every explain the dress.

Love you lots

~Tay <3

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