The Negati

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The days, or rather the time that passed, went by at a crazy speed. But no one seemed to care, since time was not supposed to exist in a world like the Wonderworld.

And yet Selene still hadn't convinced herself to dance in an honest way. She continued to let herself be carried away, but not for a second did she think of "getting serious". Sometimes Balan visited her, to talk or just to make sure she was okay.

The young ballerina would dance with him on rare occasions, just for fun, nothing serious. This amused the Maestro just as much. However, Selene rarely confided in him, something was blocking her, and yet she trusted him completely.

Perhaps she needed time.

Balan did not rush her, he knew he had to take his time with someone like her. Sometimes he would ask Lance for advice, since he was much calmer by nature, he must know better. But Lance was adamant about not helping him.

The flock of costumes got to know the host of their place better and became friends very quickly. This gave Selene another excuse not to dance.

She was not unhappy with the time she spent in this magical place, on the contrary she enjoyed it and wanted to spend as much time as possible there.

On rare occasions, she would leave her stage and go for a walk with Cotton. Most of the time, she would go to the Island of Tims where she spent most of her time playing with them or feeding them under the benevolent gaze of the Maestro of Positivity.

Balan had also shown her some hidden, yet beautiful places. For example, on a foggy morning, he took her to a pond overlooked by a majestic weeping willow with pink leaves. In the center of the landscape was a small, adorable wooden bridge that allowed a view of the pond and the few Tims wading happily in it.

"-Balan this place...It's a dreamy place....
-Ho ho, I knew you'd like it!
-This kind of place is rare in my world...Fortunately the Wonderworld is saving the mine once again..."

They laughed heartily. But this place was just one of many.

When Balan wasn't looking after Selene or his Tims, he was looking after Lance.

He was very concerned about his stage partner's health, although he knew it was only going to be fatal. Lance kept telling him that everything was fine and that he shouldn't worry.

The ex-Maestro in chief spent his last moments of peace in the same office. At least that's what he told Balan.

In fact, he kept thinking back to the time when he ventured onto the scene of this new resident. He had been writing about her over and over again. Without knowing it, Selene inspired him artistically. He had started to write poems, short stories, memoirs, but also to draw. The ballerina had bewitched him, and yet she didn't even know Lance existed.

He had broken the promise he had made to himself. His visits to the opera house became more and more frequent. Sometimes he would come and discover that Balan was with her at that moment. He envied him. Balan did not have to fade away, to hide. He still had a few centuries ahead of him. Lance? It would all be over very soon.

Lance never got tired of watching Selene dance, even if she did it in a nonchalant way. Sometimes he would leave a bouquet of flowers in her dressing room. He had learned that it was common in the entertainment industry to do this as a symbol of thanks. Selene saw this bouquet and was more than intrigued. Then in the end she suggested that it was from Balan as a sign of encouragement and positivity, so she didn't question it further.

The fact that Lance did not lock himself up within four walls all day long, gradually delayed him from his terrible destiny. He was thinking about something else. He was reporting on his days at the opera and how he felt.

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now