Remember, The Fight

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Cleo pov:
We had discussed the plan and we already had 2 yes's from Rikki and Lewis.
The others were discussing whether or not they should.
Ok we have made our decision, Bella said.
And that is, Emma said.
Yes, The three said.
Great now Cleo would you please give them some blood, Emma said.
Why not, I said.
I bite my wrist and feed all of them my blood, enough to last through a day.
So what now, Rikki said.
We wait, I said.
We all tried to take our mind of the whole Dahlia situation and started talking about random things.
Remember when we stopped that comet, Bella said.
You mean When Cleo stopped that comet, Rikki said.
What we all stopped it, I said.
Come on Cleo you know you stopped the comet, Bella said.
Well you both were also there, I said.
Cleo, Your Power was controlling the water, we were just giving it some support that's all, Rikki said.
But you gave me support which means we did it together, I said.
Cleo after you sent the comet back to space you were the only one who was really tired as you put all your strength into it, Rikki said.
Okay, Okay, no need for that, I said.
Little wolf you stopped a what now, Klaus asked.
A Comet, Bella said.
Your telling me this girl who looks fully innocent has so much power in her that she could stop a comet but still is alive, not even a Witch can do that, Kol said.
Well she is the original Tribrid, Emma said.
Who knew that a girl like her can be so powerful, Kol added.
Do you really want me to bite you, I said.
Well we have the cure, and a bite doesn't affect me, Kol said.
Well I'm also the original tribrid and has an original brid ever bitten you no, so do you want to find out, I said.
I'd rather not, he said.
Wait can your bite affect us, Emma said quietly so I was the only one who would understand.
Not really, I whispered back.
Elijah you're awfully quiet, Emma said
The thing I don't understand is that why has Dahlia asked for Klaus and Kol, Elijah said.
If you think about it, It is kinda weird, I said.
In what way Is It weird, Klaus asked.
Klaus and Kol working on something together Is like committing suicide, I said.
That's really offensive, Kol said.
Is it now, I said.
I agree with her, Emma said.
Elijah, Klaus said.
Hayley has a point, Elijah replied.
I have to go with all of them, Marcel said.
Seriously, Klaus yelled.
What about you lot, Kol said.
Well we don't know you very much but we know Cleo and Emma and both of them are mostly right all the time, Rikki said.
Lewis and Zane nodded in agreement.
Well it is hard to imagine us working together, Klaus said.
Come on Klaus, Kol said.
What we both know their right, Klaus said.
That's why we should prove it wrong, Kol said.
Till we knew it they both started fighting.
This is the best show I have ever seen, Rikki said.
It is so entertaining and lively, Lewis added.
Should we do anything, Bella asked.
Are you hearing yourself right now, Getting between a fight between Klaus and Kol is like us revealing our secret or me getting daggered, Emma said.
I'll be right back, I said as I went into the Kitchen and took out a bag of popcorn into a plate.
Yay! You brought popcorn, Rikki shouted.
Are you all sure you should be enjoying this, Marcel said.
It's not everyday two original brothers fight over something normal, I said.
Well you all can continue Elijah and I will just head out instead of getting daggered or dying, Marcel said.
Come on Elijah this is something that never happens and even if it does its between me and Nik or you and Nik, Emma said.
I agree with Marcel on this, sorry little sister, Elijah said.
Only Kol is the most exciting one of you, Emma said.
Niklaus and I try to protect our Family when you and Kol on the other hand do different adventures which just uncovers the whole thing Niklaus and I try to cover, He said.
Whatever, I hope Kol wins, Emma said.
Cleo what about you, Bella asked.
I know Klaus wins alot of these fights so I want to see him get defeated so I also hope Kol wins, I said.
We don't know them well so we are just sticking with your answers, Lewis said.
They kept fighting until they both got tired and Tired.
Not now we need to see who won, Rikki shouted in both of their ears.
Elijah it's me, they have stopped fighting you can come home now, Emma said as she left a message for Elijah and Marcel telling them that it was okay to come home now.
Who won, Bella shouted really confused of what was happening.
It was a draw, I said.
You both get some rest and don't fight, Emma said kissing both of them.
They both had nothing to sat and fell asleep instantly.
In all this fighting it was almost night and we were going to go to sleep.
We all go to our respective rooms.
Guys we have a problem, Bella said.
What Is it, Emma said.
We don't have any clothes, Bella said.
That's fine you can borrow our clothes, I said.
Yeah but are sizes are different, Rikki can borrow mine while Bella can borrow Cleo's, Emma said.
Really, what about the boys, Rikki said.
I'm sure Elijah will lend them something, Emma said walking towards the closet as  I do the same.
Here, I said handing out a pajama to Bella.
Thanks, she said as she went in the bathroom to change.
Here you go, Emma said.
Thanks a ton, Rikki said as she also went to change.
They both came out and the clothes fit them perfectly.
We should sleep soon, I said.
Since when do you care about sleeping early, Rikki said as she layed down on the bed.
Since I became a mother, I said.
What, Rikki said.
What She means to say Is that Hope is asleep right now aka the only time you can sleep, Emma said.
Ohhh, Rikki said.
Well I'm tired, Bella said.
Good night, I said.
Night, The others replied.

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