when we met

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Hello this a BokuAkaKuroKen story it will be gay and they will have the jobs from the time skip in the manga. I don't wanna see no hate comments so I'm f you have a problem deal with it or leave I just don't have time for bs. 🚫I will put ❗❗trigger warning ❗❗when and if they come!🚫
Thank you enjoy the story😋


"Kenma come down stairs!" Kenma mother yelled he walked down stairs as he played his game he looked up to see another boy and his mom. The boy smiled at him and Kenma just stared. He walked up to Kenma

"Hi my name is Kuroo Tetsurou."
Kenma stared before speaking

Ever since the ln the two boys would play and hang out all the time. They would play volleyball. Because they went to the same school they hung out more often. But soon Kuroo graduated to highschool. Kenma wasn't big on making friends are for his last year was kind of boring.

Kuroo had joined the volleyball team his first year and made tons of friends. He would visit Kenma after school and they'd talk about their day, play video games and volleyball.

"Kenma what do you wanna do when you get older?" Kuroo asked as he laid on Kenma's bed.
He thought for a moment and said. "Probably play video games?"

Kuroo laughed "I thought you'd say something like that; a do you like any of the girls in your class?" Kenma just shook his head 'no' and Kuroo continued to talk while Kenma played.

One year later
Kenma was  in highschool, a first year Kuroo a second year. He had begged Kenma the join the volleyball team untill he gave in. So here was walking in the gym for tryouts. Along with two others.
The current caption called everyone to greet the first years and welcomed them to the team.

"Today we will have a match with the first years and then we'll help the first years with what ever they need help with." And that's what they did. The third years were pretty shocked at how well Kenma played but were happy to have a first year setter seeing as the captain could teach him for when he leaves.

One year later

Kuroo was the new captain and Kenma their only setter.
"Yaku! We have four first years this time!" Kuroo said excited.
Yaku smiled at him "it's only one more than last year."

Kenma walked in the gym, and looked over to see Fukunaga setting up the net with kai, and and Yamamoto he started at Fukunaga for a moment before walking in.
Kai waved him over to help and that's what he did.

Soon after the first years walked in and they welcomed them to the team and started practice.

474 words. Anway short chapter but I don't really care 💅

living the dream {BokuAkaKuroKen}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang