Do You Have To Go?

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Hi hi I'm back sorry it feels like forever but I'm here now.
I think that's the right word not sure tho😂


"But why? Cant you decline?, Say 'no'for us please?" Bokuto whined as Akaashi packed his bag. "Kou, I can't and it'll only be two days. Besides you'll have Kenma and Tetsu here with you" Kenma walked in the room and sat down next to Akaashi's bag. "Kuro made lunch for us and we packed your bento for when you leave 'Kasshi" Akaashi looked to Bokuto who had a frown. "Come on Kou, Kenma" Akaashi said grabbing both their hands and walking with them to the dinning room.


Once Akaashi finally calmed down and had stopped crying but he now felt very embarrassed for crying in front of his friends he was supposed to be the calm one the one who seemed to be perfect. He felt as though his image was ruined. "Hey Akaashi it's okay nobody is perfect, we all have problems. And if you ever need or want to talk to someone we are here for you, okay?" Kuroo spoke in a whisper, his voice calming his thoughts.

"Thank you" was all Akaashi could manage to say.


Two weeks later

After the incident at Akaashi's house the three boys tried to keep him busy and out of his house. Though Akaashi noticed what they were doing he internally thanked them for it.

Akaashi and Kenma we're playing fighting games when Akaashi felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. Akaashi pulled his phone out, Kenma paused the game as Akaashi answered.


"Okay, she what!?" Akaashi took a deep yet shaky breath "I'm on my way" the phone clicked and he sat there for a moment tears welling up in his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Kenma asked dropping his controller the other went to his side. "I...nee- need to go...I'm's mom" he said between sobs as he got up quickly heading down stairs. Bokuto, Kenma, and Kuroo following behind. "We can come with you" Bokuto said as Akaashi put on his shoes. " it's okay... I would like... To go alone." Bokuto nodded and Akaashi said his goodbyes, leaving afterwards.

When he got home he saw the police and an ambulance pushing his mom on a stretcher "hey! That's my mom, tell me she alive.. please" the guy looked over to him "I'm sorry she took her life. She did leave something on the counter for you" He said as they put her in the back of ambulance.

Akaashi stood there for a short moment tears falling as he walked into the house filled with cops. He saw the blood stains on the floor and couch he dropped to his knees.

His whole world and home had been destroyed and there was nothing he could do about it. He cried as he watched the police bag evidence. He felt one of the cops walk past him and pat his shoulder.

Some time had passed and most of the cops had left. There was one cop car outside. The cop who patted his shoulder walked up to him. "Hey, uh kid...we can't leave you here by yourself. We'll be waiting outside for you when you're ready... okay?"

Akaashi nodded as he stood up walking to the kitchen, where he found a box and two notes. He opened the one of them. He took a deep breath as he started to read it.

"Dear, reader

If you're reading this you probably have seen my dead body. I killed myself to protect my son, whom I love so much. But ever since my husband died I couldn't handle the over bearing guilt, and I hated my son that he was the reason he did what he did. But I was the reason. And Keiji my sweet son who works so hard I'm sorry I killed your father figure, and I'm sorry I lied to you for so long about your dad. I love you the box is yours, and your real father's number as well I already informed him of your arrival.
P.S. he's excited to meet you."

The paper in his hand now wet with tears as he placed it on the counter he grabbed both papers and the pox before heading outside and closing the door. He got in the back seat of the cop car.

The car ride to the police station was quiet. "Hey kiddo do you want something to eat before we go to the station?"

Akaashi thought for a moment. "....uhm y-yes please" they gotten him some fast food and went into the station.

Akaashi was told sit in one of the back rooms with his food. He opened the box he was given and there he saw a picture of him, his mom, and his dad. He saw a key?, Four thick? Envelopes he opened them to see lots of American money. He was so confused he saw a much smaller envelope and opened it as he read it he gasped he mom had put the house in his name. And at the bottom another envelope with a short note and a plane ticket. "I'm gonna have you live with your real father. He's been wanting to meet you. The money and the house are yours I transferred all my money to a separate account in your name for you details on the back. I love you Keiji, and I'm sorry"

P.S. have fun in America

He put everything in the box. And ate his now coldish food.
"I'm going to america?"


990 words
Sorry this took so long I got sick for a while and didn't know what to put here 😃 so uh yeah

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