No setter

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Hi hi back again. This is NOT be AKAASHI'S POV. Onto the chaper

"HEY HEY HEY have you guys seen Akgaashi I cant find him anywhere." Bokuto said loudly walking through the gym doors.

"No, I don't think he came today Bokuto" Kai responded back. This made Bokuto abit sad but he had hope he'd see him later. But he didn't come then and this was the third day he'd visited Akaashi's house but no one wes home. Akaashi hadn't answered any of his calls. And he was worried.

This caused Bokuto to have what the teams calls 'missing Akaashi syndrome' and they all wanted him to come back to school. They couldn't handle his emo mode like him.

Bokuto had just got home. He walked up stairs to his room sad that Akaashi hadn't been to school in a while. When his phone rang his looked at the caller id it read 'Akgaashi' guess picked up so quick.

"Please stop yelling"-A
"Sorry why weren't you in school today?"-B
"..... Um can I spend the week at your house?" -K
Akaashi hung up the phone and that made Bokuto worry but he's went down stairs and asked if Akaashi could stay over for the week.

"Well yeah, he can I don't mind as long as his mom says it's okay" she said with a big smile. Moments later they was a knock at the door, Bokuto team to get it and opened the door.

"Hey!"Bokuto hugged him tightly. And for Akaashi it felt warm it was what he needed. Bokuto let go so he could come in but as soon as he was in he hugged Bokuto tightly and started sobbing, legs weak, eyes red, and stained face. Bokuto's mom heard crying from the kitchen and walked to the door to see Akaashi hugging Bokuto while Bawling his eyes out while Bokuto seemed to be shocked by this.

"Um Akaashi, are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it? Bokuto asked he shook his head 'no' and slowly released from the hug, wiping his face once more.

He looked over to see Bokuto's mom who waves them over and brought them into the kitchen. "Sit, I'll get you some tea?" Akaashi nodded. he and Bokuto did as told.

"Why didn't you come to school?" Bokuto asked first. His mom turned to him "Bokuto, go wait in your room while I talk to Akaashi" he frowned but did as told and left.

"I was in the hospital for two days and went home today."he responded when he left. "Can I stay here for a while father he died three days ago and my mom is.....away right now, I just don't wanna be alone."

Bokuto's mom kneeled down next to him
" So sorry to hear that. Of course you can sweetie you are welcome to stay for as long you need and if you need to talk I'm always here for you, okay?" She hugged him and he hugged her back.

"Thank you so much for this." He drank his tea, and took his bag up to Bokutos room where he heard talking. He knocked on the door. "Come in" he heard and walked in and saw Bokuto's big sisters talking and doing Thier nails on his floor...with Bokuto?

Akaashi's POV

'he's getting his nails done, he's okay with it? His mom won't be mad?' Akaashi thought to himself. "Umm.... Hi" I said closing the door, putting my bag down and sitting next to Bokuto-san. The girls looked at me and smiled.

"Can we do your nails?" I thought for a moment, 'my mother won't know it's fine, right?'

"Okay" I responded Bokuto-san smiled brightly at me.

They asked lots of questions like what color, how long will I be staying and so on.


It had been two days of Akaashi living with Bokuto when suddenly a knock was heard on the door.

Akaashi was in the Kitchen with Bokuto's mom helping with dinner.

"I'll get the door" Akaashi voiced, Washing his hands before he left the kitchen. He opened the door with a small smile on his face.

"Who is it..." He got t quiet seeing who was at the door. He felt frozen in time. He couldn't utter a word. His smile long gone.


Cliffhanger lol 😆

Anyway 736 words I was gonna make it like 1000 but my birthday 🎉🎂 is tomorrow and I'm busy. Sorry not sorry 😐 have a great day

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