new place new people

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Hi hello,


It rang twice before a deep voice answered the phone. "Hello??"

Akaashi took a deep breath " um hi this is Keji Akaashi are you my um-"

"Keji omg are you at the airport? Where are you?"

"I'm in the food court. Eating a sub? I think" Keji replied not familiar with the names of the food places.

"Okay stay there I'm on my way there now. I can't wait to see you"

Keji didn't know how to respond to that so he changed the subject "um what do you look like?"

"Just walked into the food court and I'm standing at the entrance right now, do you see me?."

Keji turned around and there he saw a tall man with a black bun, waving his hand in the air. "Yes I see you I'm coming over" he hung up the phone and walked over to him with the rest of his sandwich, and three bags in hand.

"My name is Hiroshi Satō" he said before hugging Keji tightly.

"Okay are you ready to go to your new home?" Keji nodded and before he could pickup his suitcase Hiroshi grabbed it first taking one of the smaller bags too "alright let's go" the two left the airport and got into a black car. Leaving the airport.

Hiroshi showed his son around the neighborhood and pointed out different land marks and even the school he'd be going to next month. Before finally he pulled into the driveway of a condo. Two guys in black suits quickly walked up to Hiroshi and taking in Akaashi's bags.

Keji was amazed by the size of the condo "isn't this a bit much? Aren't you living by yourself?" Akaashi asked

Hiroshi laughing lightly "nope my daughter and wife live with me." Keji nodded "oh, sorry I was unaware. Wait I have a sister?"

"Adopted yes. Do you want to see your room?" Keji nodded and Hiroshi showed the way pointing out the different rooms on the way. "Arya, your sister will be home in a few hours. And my wife Esmé will be arriving shortly. So if you wanna unpack your things you can and I'll be in my office okay?" Keji nodded "uhm thank you for housing me."

"Of course" Keji went into his room finding his bags next to the bed.
He sighed laying on the bed pulling out his phone to call Bokuto.

"Akagshi! Hey hey hey! Are you having lots of fun? Did you meet your dad? What's the house look like?"
Akaashi laughed "slow down, the house is pretty big, yes I meet him, and he did show me around which I guess was fun. I just miss you guys"

"Kashi I'm gonna face time you, I wanna see your face" Bokuto said before hanging up only to call back a minute after. Akaashi answered and lifted his phone to look at Bokuto.

"Hey hey hey, is that your room? It's huge!" Akaashi smiled and nodded before showing him the rest of the room. As he looked back at the phone he could see Kenma and Kuroo walking in Bokuto's room.

"Hey Bokuto what's up?" Kuroo said as he sat down next to him "Akaashi? Hey how is it going?"

"It's going well, Hiroshi said that I have an adopted sister and he's married, not to mention this place is huge."

Kenma sat next to Bokuto "show us the house." Bokuto nodded at that "yes yes we wanna see how big it is"

Akaashi smiled as he got up leaving the room and walking around the house giving a tour over the phone. Well until he heard a voice.

"Keji come here for a moment?" He looked up to Hiroshi and walked into his office. "Hai- yes i mean yes " Hiroshi laughed "don't worry I know Japanese. Anata ga tanoshinde iru?"

(Are you having fun?/sorry if it's wrong I used Google translate)

"Hai,-sōdesu. I'm talking with my friends Bokuto, Kenma, and Kuroo."
Akaashi replied.

"Your English is very good, could I say hello to your friends?" Akaashi nodded showing him his phone.
"Kon'nichiwa, akaashi no chichidesu. Watashinonamaeha Satō hiroshidesu."

(hi this is Akaashi's father, my name is Hiroshi Satō)

"Yo ̄ yo ̄ yo ̄!" (Hey hey hey!)
"Alright kiddo have fun showing them the house." Akaashi nodded and left Hiroshi's study and walked into the kitchen.
"Anata no otōsan wa atsui"
(Your dad is hot) Akaashi looked at his phone and saw both Bokuto and Kuroo looking at Kenma

"Kenma!"Kuroo said with a heartbroken look. Bokuto laughed and Akaashi laughed lightly.
"You must be Akaashi?" A woman's voice spoke. Akaashi looked up "oh yes that's me. It's nice to meet you"

Laughing could be heard from his phone still so he hang up. "Sorry my friends are loud"

"Oh no dear it's okay I'm happy you're here, glad to meet you. My name is Esmé."  The front door could be heard opening and a girl with curly black and brown hair peaked in when she didn't see anyone three boys and one girl ran inside.


855 words

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