home alone

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It was saturday morning and Julia woke up. She turned around and grabbed her phone, she texted Noah goodmorning and putted on some music while she waited for his response. Morning he said, what are your plans for today? Not really something acctually, maby just some homework how about you? Well i dont really have plans either, how about we grab a coffee or do something today? Id love that she answerd, my parents arent home today so maby we can hang her. Yeah that sounds nice he said. They decided to meet at two in the afternoon at Julia's school and they'd walk to her house together. 

Julia was dying from nerves inside, she was really exited to see him. She was right at two in front of her school when she saw him walking towards her. "Hey pretty" he said, and gave her a kiss. He wrapped his arm around her and they walked towards her house.

When they got there Julia offered him something to drink and they took a seat on the couch. There was a small gap between them and Noah grabbed Julia and pulled her close to him. They talked for hours and around nine he had to go home. He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, he said "do you know how crazy i am about you?" and he kissed her. Than he turned around and walked back. Julia was super exited and happy. As soon as she was upstairs she grabbed her phone and texted Melissa and told her everything about today. When her parents came home it also was the first thing they had to hear. That night Noah texted Julia, "hey beauty, i know we dont know eachother that long yet but i am for real crazy about you and i really wanna do something fun with you. So how about we go to paris next weekend, just the two of us?" Julia readed the text over and over again, she got so exited that she forgot to answer. And she said "That sound like really much fun! You really think we could do that?" Yes he said of course we can, ill take care of everything. Julia ran downstairs and showed her parents the text, they got as exited as she was. Nothing could break her mood anymore.

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