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A week later at six in the morning Noah was standing outside of Julia's house waiting for her to come. Noah got out of the car when he saw Julia and her parents come out of the house, he gave julia a kiss and took over her suitecase. Julia hugged her parents goodbye and got in the car, Noah made a playlist with songs that reminded him of Julia and he let her hear them. "But they are all about a pretty sweet girl" she said, yes they are cause thats what you are she answered. She started blushing and hugged his arm, he laid his hand on her leg and kissed her forhead. 

After some hours of driving they drove in to paris. There where lights everywhere, and they drove past the eifel tower. Noah booked a hotel in the middle of the centre with across the streat a bakkery. They checked in to the hotel and Julia opened the room, it was the prettiest hotel room she had ever seen. Than she realised they had to sleep in the same bed in the time they where there. Noah saw there was something and asked her whats wrong, nothing she answered. But noah came up to her grabbed her face and said "i can see something is bothering you, tell me whats wrong you can trust me" Well ive never slept in the same bed with a boy she said. Ohw yeah i get that he answered, ill book an extra room so we both have our own bed if you want to he said. No its fine she said, it will be different but i am sure it will be nice. 

Well dress up he said, im gonna take you out. Julia turned around and asked where they where going, thats a surprise but its a pretty chic place he said. She took out her light blue mini dress, black high heels and little channel clutch. You look so god damn gorgeous he said when she walked back in the room. He grabbed her waist pulled her close and kissed her. Than he grabbed her hand and took her to the car, they started driving and stopped at a randome corner. He gave Julia a blindfulled and told her to put it on, so she did. He drove for a little while, than grabbed her hand and helped her out of the car. He took her by her hand and they walked in to a small room, It started moving but she had no idea where se was. 

Than she heard two doors opening and they walked out, he putted her somewhere and went to stand behind her. He took off her blindfulled and when she opened her eyes she saw the beautiful paris from above, they where on top of the eifel tower. Than Noah walked to a small tabel with cute classic chairs and a red rose in the middle of the tabel, they took a seat and had the most amazing meal they have had in ages. Than they walked thru the city looking at the beatiful lights of paris.

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