few months have past

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It's a few months later and Julia and Noah had contact almost every day and she had seen him a couple of times since he lived there. Julia has also had a lot of contact with Jake lately. But this week Noah seemed to respond badly, he didn't call her anymore and when she called him he got annoyed. Julia felt bad about it but he would come to her this weekend so it would be fine. He didn't text her today yet so she was feeling kinda bad.

Then she got a notification from him, she got excited and opened the message. "Hey, uhm so I'm not able to come this time. A friend needs me sorry" Julia's heart broke, he just let her down for a friend. "it's fine" she responded. And she burst out crying. She texted Jake about it and he noticed she was really upset and texted her he was gonna come over. So he did, he came to her place and her parents opened up. He walked upstairs and saw Julia in her room with tears in her eyes and teardrops on her face. He went to sit next to her and took her in her arms. Hey, it's okay he said. He's a jerk for letting you down like that he said.

After sitting there for a while her grabbed his phone and texted Noah. "How can u be such a Jerk to her letting her down like this". Noah read it but didn't respond. Jake said that he had to go and hugged Julia, it's gonna be fine just go write your book is almost finished isn't it? he said. Yeah your right ill finish it today, if you come over tomorrow you can read it. I would love that he said and left. That night Julia finished her book and opened Instagram when she saw a photo of Noah holding a girl in a party while drinking. A friend needing him? Is that the friend he meant? And how is partying a part of helping? She didn't understand it and called Noah. No response, she texted him "Noah call me as soon as you can". She texted Jake about it and went to sleep.

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