Working on it

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Jake called Julia every day and they saw each other every three days. They got a really good bond and Julia slowly started to forget about Noah. She didn't follow him anymore and blocked him a week after she texted him for the last time. It was now six months later and Julia got this weird feeling when she was with Jake. She felt happy and safe and a bit sad when he left, they had the best conversations. Noah didn't text Jake either and their friendship was sort of over.Julia slowly started to be happy again. She slept better, her grades got better, she started talking more to her friends again and slowly started getting feelings for Jake. But she was afraid to tell anyone cause it felt wrong. She wanted to see him every day and she had butterflies in her stomach when she was around him. But she didn't tell anyone.

Jake, Melissa, Julia and melissa's new boyfriend Lunce became a close group. They met every Friday to do something fun, they went to the movies, they went swimming, played paintball and did all kinda fun things with the four of them. Julia and melissa became close again and she told her everything that happened with Noah. And after some months she decided to tell her about her feelings for Jake. When melissa heard that she had a straight face and started smiling a bit. Julia looked at her weirdly and asked why she was so cool about it. Cause it was obvious melissa answered, you two are always together and it's always fun. You always glow when you're around him, I'm your best friend so yes I noticed you liked him. They talked about it and melissa told Julia that there wasn't one good reason to hide her feelings. Noah started ignoring her not the other way around, Julia had the right to like who she likes and express that. Julia saw that Melissa was right and started thinking about it more. But before she would tell Jake she first wanted to explore her feeling for him.

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