months later

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It was half a year later and things between Julia and Noah went well, he came over a lot and she got to meet his parents. They saw each other once a week and called almost every night.

Julia walked out of the school after a long day when she saw Noah in front of the school, she walked to him and asked why he came so sudden. Well, I wanted to see you and tell you something he said. Well, tell me Julia answered. So I've booked us a weekend in berlin next week and I wanted to know if you would like that. Of course, I would like that she said, and she hugged him tightly. Well, I gotta go but ill call you tonight about it he said. Julia walked to melissa and told her about the trip.

That night Noah called, Hey beautiful he said

heyyy, sooo berlin tell me (J)

Well, I booked us a hotel in Berlin for one night and some places we can visit. We will go early in the morning and be back late in the next evening (N)

oehhh that sounds great! (J)

Great, then go to sleep ill pick you up tomorrow at four am(N)

Okay goodnight (J)

goodnighttt (N)

Julia put down the phone and went to sleep excited for the next day

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