Is this it?

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That morning Julia woke up and remembered everything from yesterday. She texted him last night and went to sleep so he must have seen it and answered. She grabbed her phone hoping he would have reacted. She opened her phone but there were no notifications from Noah, there was one from Jake though. "Hey Jul, did you finished your book? Cause then ill come over so I can read it." Yeah, I finished it, you can come over around two if you want to she said. Alr ill be there he responded within a minute. "But did Jake answered you? No, she said he didn't, and I'm getting kinda worried that things between him and me arent going well Julia said. Yes, I get that ill call him before I come your way.

That afternoon Jake stepped by, Noah didn't answer him and neither did he text Julia. Julia felt terrible and was glad Jake stepped by. He read her book and loved it! He told her that she should get it published, but she said no cause she thought it wasn't good enough. Okay he said, but send it to me cause I would love to read it again. Jake said you know what let's grab dinner together. Why Julia asked. Cause I don't want you to be alone if Jake is acting this weird. Okay, I would love that Julia answered.

Jake took her to his parent's restaurant and introduced Julia. They shared a pizza and then walked through the streets. Jake decided to be honest with Julia. "Look Jul, I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't think Jake is gonna come back, he has never done this before and I don't know why he does this but I think you should let him go. And I can help you with it but if you keep holding on to him you're gonna hurt yourself even more. Julia realized he was right, but she loved Noah and it was gonna be hard. Jake walked her home and said, "I'm gonna help you get over him, and than you are gonna find someone who is perfect for you". Thank you Julia said and hugged him.

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