The four of them

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Julia woke up remembering she got to meet Noah's friend. She texted melissa that she was gonna get ready and put on some nice clothes. She walked downstairs and made herself some breakfast.

At two Julia and Melissa were at their school waiting for the boys. After a couple of minutes, Noah and his friend walked towards them. Noah hugged Julia and kissed her then she turned to Noah's friend. Hi she said I'm Julia, hi I'm Jake he responded. Julia introduced Melissa and they walked to Starbucks where Julia and Noah both got a caramel frappe. They took a seat outside and talked for a while.

Then it was time for melissa to go cause she had training, so Jake went home too. Noah and Julia went to Noah's house, Julia had never seen his place yet so she was very excited. they walked into a pretty expensive neighbourhood and he walked to one of the biggest houses. He opened the door and showed her around, so is this your house or one of your parents? It's mine Noah answered, I got my dads company and money when he passed away last year and I never knew my mom. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Julia answered, its fine he said my dad was a jerk. 

Then they took a seat on the couch and watched tv till it was time for Julia to go home. Later that night when Julia came home she got a text from Noah's friend, Jake. "hey Julia, it was nice to meet you!" It was nice to meet you too, maybe we will see each other again sometime.

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