The day of moving

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That morning Julia woke up having a bad feeling, this would be the last day in a very long while that she got to see and hold Noah. She turned around and hugged him tightly, he slowly woke up and kissed her. He saw her sad face and hold her. He said I know babe but it's gonna be fine. She told him she was afraid that they would lose contact, we won't he said. Were gonna call every day, facetime twice a week, and text all day, and once a month ill come to you. Okay but promise me you will she said. I promise her responded.

They got out of bed and she helped him put the boxes in his car. Then he kissed her and helped her get in the car, they drove to her house. They both got out of the car and went inside. They drank coffee with Julia's parents and talked about how his life was gonna be now. Julia was excited for him, but also sad she wasn't gonna see him for this long.

At four pm Noah had to go, Julia grabbed him tight and kissed him. I'm gonna miss you she said. I'm gonna miss you too but I'm gonna call you as soon as I'm there okay? Okay, then she said. She gave him one last kiss and he said goodbye to her parents. He grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead, I love you he said. I love you too she responded then he walked to his car and slowly let her hand go. He got in the car and drove away. Julia waited till the car was out of sight and hugged her parents tight. Melissa came over that night and Julia texted Jake how he was doing now his friend left. They texted a lot and after a while, Melissa and Julia went to sleep.

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