I dont need him

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It's a month and a half later, Julia woke up and grabbed her phone. She texted Jake good morning like always and opened Instagram. She clicked on the explore page when her eye fell on a picture of Noah. She clicked on it, it was Noah kissing a girl with the text "mine 4ever" she took a deep breath but didn't feel anything. Where her feelings for him finally gone? Didn't she miss him anymore? She got a text from Jake, "Morning Jul! Did you saw the picture...?" Yeah, she texted him. "Ah no, I'm sorry are you okay?" Jake responded. Actually yeah she said, I'm feeling good I think I don't miss him anymore. That's great Jake said! Then Julia decided to just say it, she texted him "Uhm there is something I have been wanting to tell you for a while but I wanna do it in person she said" Okay, ill come over now he responded.

Half an hour later Jake walked in, Hey Jul! Hey Ja! He hugged her and said, well now I'm curious spit it! Well, I'm just gonna be straight up, I think I'm in love with you... Wait what? he said. Or do you just think it? Julia laughed and said no I'm sure. He said, well I gotta confess something too. I have liked you since we met and kept it for myself cause you were with Noah and I was afraid to tell you but yeah. Julia looked at him shocked and they both started laughing. So may I, he said and Julia nodded. He grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips, he pulled his face back and said "You have no idea how happy I was when you said you didn't miss him anymore" And they both started laughing. They laid on Julia's bed for a while and then Jake went home. That night he texted her "Sleepwell sleepyhead xx", "You too silly xx" And Julia started blushing, she found the one she felt it.

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