The last week

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When they came back home Julia told her parents that Noah was gonna move. So her parents said, that if it was possible for him he could stay over this week so they could spend their last week together. Julia loved that plan cause she had her break this week so that was perfect, she told Noah and he was free too.

So that Monday he came to her and told her he had a surprise, he told her to come with him. They walked into the city and he stopped at a jewelry store, He bought a bracelet for the two of them so they would stay connected even though they weren't physically together. His was black and hers was white and at the end, there were small balls that connected when they would hold hands.

They walked back to Julia's house and had dinner with her parents. They did all kinda fun activities that week, they went to the movies, walked through the city, went to museums, and had a spa day. But then it was the day before he had to leave, They went to Noah's house and she helped him pack his stuff. They went through old pictures and books and talked for hours. When almost everything was packed They took a seat on the couch and watched a movie. Then they went to bed and Julia slept terribly again.

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