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Heaven only knew how arrangements were made for the Kansas City Irish Festival to be held last full week of August. Additional resources were committed to cordon off a larger space for this event. The pavilion across from Crown Center was allotted for food vendors and for pedlars to hawk their wares. All around the ice skating rink was also sectioned off. Thus the rink was converted into a stage for live music performance. Only part of Pershing in front of the Westin was left open for traffic. Washington Square was cordoned off save for a footpath skirting the edge of this event. This path allowed foot traffic unto Panera Bread. There was lack of convenience for pedestrians accessing Crown Center. For the event organiser opted Crown Center have three points of entry. Point One was the Westin entrance on Pershing. Point Two was The Link at Union Station. Point Three was the side entrance on Grand.

Provoking further curiosity is who organised the Irish Festival to last from Sunday to Thursday. Though this proved advantageous unto crafty merchants who found means of exploiting an opportunity. They lured customers into their stores with promises of discounted merchandise. Thus revenue gained via sales enabled them to temporarily increase their profit margin. Meaning profit was the bottom line instead of people. Most assuredly few customers held complaint when they perceived themselves to be partakers in a win-win situation.

Thursday prior the event Dresden received a formal invitation to attend a masquerade. He would later learn this invite was an error. However he could not behold the hand of either Fate or Providence ordering his steps. Dresden attended this masquerade wearing the masque arriving with his invitation. What confounded many was not this ball being a black tie event where females were required to wear ballgowns. Nor was it bewildering the gala was invitation only. Instead the maddening part was the organisers and hosts chose to hold this ball down on Riverfront Heritage Trail nigh Town of Kansa Bridge. Dresden was not ignorant the catering staff wanted to seriously curse whosoever thought this be a perfectly ideal location. Several guests believed themselves to be slighted whilst other guests only felt themselves slighted. Dresden sympathised with these grumblings considering he understood Johnny On The Spot was not the best choice for any formal event. He also sympathised with the caterers knowing firsthand working food industry was rarely easy.

Physically speaking some would call Dresden a hunk whilst none in their right mind would dare say he was beefcake material. This did not prevent eligible females from ogling him and seeking to court his favour. For better or for worse none were attractive in his sight. He found each to be appealing despite lacking a fundamental element. After the gig Dresden returned unto his lodgings where he swiftly proceeded to berate himself for an error in judgement. Once he attempted communicating with a fellow guest only to realise she was not his monomania. Hence the need to ring Jade for counsel. Though he knew and understood it would be foolhardy not to include friends of his love. Ergo a conference call was created to give voice unto the words of Dinah, Lauren, Ally, and Jade. For it was the latter who explained there be wisdom in a multitude of counsellors.

Quickly Dresden explained the situation unto them knowing he was beyond his depth. They patiently and calmly beseeched him to establish contact with the one his heart desired. Only three of the four knew how deeply Normani pined for this particular male. Conference call concluded with the four girls exhorting Dresden to be stout of heart. He derived comfort from the fact all four had compassion toward him. Another boon was receiving counsel from Dinah and Ally who both were presently wed.

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