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Two years past since Dresden and Normani went their separate ways with their eyes toward the future. Both individuals were slowly moving forth toward their destiny with steady inevitability. Indeed their course was set into motion when Normani first met David. From then onward no mortal could attempt to change what either Fate or Providence chose for these two.

Dresden made an appearance in Shreveport at the old Petroleum Building. All concerned parties found it acceptable an audience would only be granted stipulations were met. Specifically once he accompanied Fifth Harmony in serving the poor and needy at Hope House. Be not ignorant this ministry hath served homeless amongst many others over the years of operation. Indeed it was Jacob and David who contended expansion for provided services. They equally were vocal whilst counselling Morning Glory Ministries in Kansas City, Missouri be the template for a new dawn. Difference here being they would not be supported by a single religious body. Instead fifty percent of funds would be supplied by Endeavour Entertainment whilst others provided fifty percent remainder. Jacob urged them to construct a new facility within the bottoms for containment of this directional shift.

Fortunately Fifth Harmony received type of favour allowing them possession of former Methodist church nigh the bottoms. Thus Endeavour was provisioned for offering services similar to Morning Glory. Divergence occurring in people were offered food pantry Monday morning and Friday morning. Showers and laundry were provided in the morning on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Naturally it was determined Hope House ought to be closed on all Shabbatoth mentioned in Torah. Likewise it was known the wisest direction lay in keeping foods edible for all faiths. Now many of these decisions were proposed and accepted to honour the path Normani initiated several years past. This was when Little Mix and Fifth Harmony first attended Shabbat together.

Favour smiled upon Dresden considering the suggestion of meeting on Thursday after breakfast was offered by Ally, Lauren, and Dinah.

During this audience Dresden gave voice unto his intentions toward Normani. He then relinquished a gift he brought with him. Dinah, Ally, and Lauren rejoiced when learning the truth of his intent. Though these three could not prevent themselves from enquiring why they ought to act as couriers. With great patience he explained within a fortnight Fifth Harmony would be honorary guests for a local gala. Long-suffering is what enabled them to accept Dresden would depart one sennight afore the event. Naturally rejoicing occurred when learning Endeavour Entertainment was steadily becoming continuously more successful. The catch being they were neither forgetting their humble origins nor losing themselves via prosperity. Lauren, Dinah, and Ally rejoiced when learning Dresden received gainful employment at The Nook.

One day after the meeting Normani and Dresden were in Keithsville, Louisiana searching for possible house. Here they would reside until Normani retired from public life. After twelve consecutive rejections they found a house sitting back from the street. Indeed this particular domicile had a privacy fence separating the front yard from backyard of residence street side. Additionally this modest acreage included a small woodland with natural pond and small creek to mark property line.

Normani spoke saying their was neither realtor present nor were there any reasons for rejecting this particular choice. Normani, 'How're we to tour this house without a realtor?' Dresden, 'Why don't we use the key?' Normani was stunned by the implications of his statement. Thus she enquired whether he was serious. Then after their complete tour of the residence Dresden received a tight embrace born from excitement. Normani was over the moon when learning Dresden purchased the house for them to raise their family. An added bonus was the short commute unto Shreveport.

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