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Love's POV

My heart raced as Lorenzo took the seat across from me. I could feel the tension in the air, and I was sure Soren and Santiago felt it, too.

I wondered what it would be like if Lorenzo and I had met under different circumstances. If I were just a girl and he were just a guy.

No history. Just him and I and a fresh start. But we weren't normal people. We were two people who let the last dictate feelings.

"It's good to see you, Enzo." Santiago said excitedly, while Lorenzo's eyes stayed trained on me. "Korea must've been a good time for you to have stayed that long."

"Yeah, man. It was alright. How have you been? I met your daughter, Catalina. She's a sweetheart." His attention turned to Santiago.

"She reminds me of her mother." Santi's voice went low, like he was thinking back to a time when Amelia was still here.

Their love was different. Amelia was the missing piece in Santi's heart. They were the only personification of true love I knew, aside from my parents.

When Amelia was diagnosed, Santiago kept on a brave face. Even while pregnant with Lina, she still pulled through. I knew Santi was hurting deep down. The love of his life was slowly becoming more and more sick as the days went on.

He liked to say that they had their own goodbye, and that she'd be waiting for him in the next life. When Lina was born, I knew she was the glue that could keep Santiago together. She slowly healed his pain.

He still talks about her and shows Lina pictures of her mother so she'll never forget the kind of love a mom has for her daughter.

"Soren, how was the rest of the tour? That concert I went to was fucking crazy. I see why you do it."

"Thrilling, bro. Met new people, fans, ate good ass food, too. The way I feel when I'm on stage is a feeling I never want to go away." Soren rubbed his hands together, then looked at me. "You're quiet, Love. Whenever Enzo came around, you were chatty."

"Mmm," I sipped my water, "that was seven years ago, Sor." I said, pursing my lips.

The waiter then approached our table and took our orders.

Lorenzo and I were the only ones who sipped alcohol tonight.

"Yep. So I came back to New York for the business." Lorenzo had just finished his meal, and continued chatting with my brothers.

"What company?" Santiago finally joined the conversation instead of just listening.

"The same one your sister works. I'm her boss." He sent a quick wink at me. One that Soren and Santiago didn't catch.

The table went quiet, and everyone looked at me. "You knew Enzo was here, Love?" Soren said, still trying to process why I never said anything to either of them.

"Mhm," I said, under my breath, "I didn't think you guys wanted to know. And since we're on the topic, he lives across the street from me, too."

A quiet, "fuck," came out of Santiago's mouth as he watched me, then he looked up at Soren.

My eyes locked with Lorenzo's, and I could feel the heat in my core. His brown eyes burned deep into my green ones as he sipped his scotch, but he never looked away.

I could tell my cheeks were beginning to turn red from this school level interaction, but I couldn't help it.

Lorenzo began to squirm subtly in his seat, like his eyes were having some sort of competition with his pants to see which would dampen first.

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