Chapter 2

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New chuckled looking at Off stupid at the same time funny whining face. They both were so engrossed in their bickering that they fail to notice the pair of sharp eyes on them from far apart.

New's POV -

It's almost a month now, but the wolves leader is nowhere to be seen after that afternoon. It's not like I want to see him, but somehow he is been haunting me even without him doing anything.

Now you guys must be confused about why it's like that and what exactly I am talking about.

Well, it's all started because of that stupid fight which is started between my friend Off and those wolves.

I agree that because of Off's careless and clumsy attitude he spill his entire coffee on one of those guys, but in his defence he said sorry and well he is always clumsy and he is famous for that. Those guys should be considerate to him, but no, that guy I guess his name is "Arm" he pushed him so hard that he broke his hand.

I don't like to meddle in others business but that time he was hurt so I pushed that Arm guy and helped Off to get back to his chair. Arm almost punched me back that time but before something happen he got a call and he went out without saying anything.

I thought it's over but no they came back after 2 weeks. I am a trained fighter so taking down 3-4 guys it's not a big deal for me. That's why when they came again I didn't back out.

Again that fight never happened. I am still confused why that wolf spared me.

He is known for his merciless attitude. If you touch anyone from his close circle even if it's accidentally he won't spare you. He will show you a door of hell right away.

I wasn't aware of these things at first but since that day I am getting more and more information about them. When Off came to know that they ganged up against me and tried to harm me he gave me their whole history.

I know so much about them that I can write a whole book about their fights. Ohh by the way as per Off the wolves leader is some kind of superhuman. Haha, can you believe that?

He told me once, this guy fought with 30 men and knocked down all of them without even a scratch on his body.

I am pretty much sure it's some kind of imaginary story created by them to scare others.

Yeah, he indeed has this hell of aura where you can be in his spell. Still, it's hard to believe that he is that hell of a fighter.

As per Off's information, he is in the same year as me, but I have never seen him attending any lectures. Is that even allowed? I remember my classmates getting a scolding from our teachers for their lack of attendance. Then why not these guys?

Let me introduce you to those five wolves whom no one dared to question.

First is Arm, a guy with a charming look but a hell of an attitude. People call him the mind of the gang, he is kind of polite but if he is angry then his looks can kill a person.

The second is Nicky, he is a funny guy with a sharp mind. He is dam good with studies that he didn't even have to look at books. He is always in the top three on the scoreboard.

The third guy is Gun, a tiny person with a baby face and a dimpled smile that gives him an innocent, angelic and cute puppy look. He is a cunning person. Usually, people got deceived because of that.

The fourth guy Krist, handsome guy with some built and innocent face, but hell he can control the whole army just with that voice. I once saw him shouting at some random guys and that voice send a chill in my spine. He is usually a quiet guy who hardly speak to anyone. He is the closest amongst them to Wolf leader.

Now last but not least The leader Tay Tawan- As per Off he is a nice guy who helps others but at the same time he can kill those who try to annoy him or his close ones. I still remember the way he walk, It's like he is The king who was born to rule the world and all others are mending to follow him without any question. His tan skin and his built is something.

Since that day till date, I have hardly been able to sleep. Whenever I close my eyes I can see those eyes, can feel that aura and you know what the worst thing is? I still remember every single detail from his face when he was there standing in the garden area.

He is haunting me, now came to think about Off's comment I guess he is right about this Tay guy only the difference is he is not superhuman but some kind of Frankenstein or vampire, who can spell people to drink their blood.

We are in our class, Off and my other friend Singto is seating beside me when two new students entered the class with the teacher.

I know one of them I was expecting her to be here last week but because of some reason, it's got delayed. My cousin Alice and her friend Mild, she shifted to my place, her parents went abroad for business purpose and going to stay there for quite some time.

No one knows here about her so when after introduction she and her friend directly came and sat beside me, they both got stares from my classmates. Especially when Alice smiled at me and started talking to me.

During the lunch break, we sat with the girls. Usually, Singto spends his breaks in the library but today even he join us. We sat with the seating arrangement starting from Mild, Alice and me and the opposite side of mine is Off and Singto.

I introduced Alice and Mild to my friends as my cousin but Alice Shushh me immediately and asked them not to tell anyone about this.

I gave her a confused look.

Alice - "It's fun New, look at those girls. They are giving me death glares. I am liking it" she shrugged off and starts laughing devilishly.

Mild said smiling - "You girl....... (Pointing at Alice) sooooooo bad"

Off nodding his head immediately - "Yes she is"

For which he got a hard slap on his head from Singto.

We all burst into laughter after looking Off who looked like he is going to cry any movement. I just shook my head in disbelieve when Off started defining his act and on the other side, Singto started giving him a death glare.

We all know that Singto is a guy who doesn't use bad words and does not insult others. Even we are, as his friends are not allowed to do so especially towards girls.

From here I can see that now all four of them are going to share a good bond. They were laughing, joking and sharing food too. Suddenly our table became lively. I am so loving this.

That's when I feel stare from my right side, I look at that side to confirm and can see those sharp eyes that are haunting me for almost a month now. Don't know why but unconsciously I move a little bit away from Alice. I can see the satisfaction in his eyes after that. A thin smile was spared on my face which I tried to hide looking away and feeding my mouth with food.

Just then the sound of whistles, laughing as well as teasing was heard from The wolves table. Everyone looked at them for few seconds and start eating their food as if nothing happened. I, Alice and Mild are still staring at them.

We got distracted when Off tap on my hand to stop doing that and then I looked away from that peaceful beautiful site in front of me. That smiling face with heart shape lips... Cute. I never know that tan skin can look so beautiful with that pink shade.

Ahhh... I face palms myself for thinking something like that, I stood up and left the place without taking a second glance at half-eaten food as well as my confused friends.

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