Chapter 6

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New - "did he just refer to us as friends? "

Me looking at New - "I guess so?"

New in disbelief - "SINCE FUCKING WHEN?"


Third-Person POV -

Gun and Nicky are teasing each other while playing video games. Krist is reading some random book that he took from Arm's book collection. Tay is standing outside on the balcony while looking at the night sky, he put his hands on the railing for support.

After some time when Arm walk into his room, Gun was the first person to react.

Gun in mocking tone - "wow, the host of the party finally came"

to which Arm just signed - "long story dude."

Nicky and Gun stopped playing when Arm walked in.

Krist didn't bother to look up.

In the time Arm got fresh up, Gun and Nicky started arranging their dinner.

Today they decided to have food at Arm's room and they all reached his place two hours back.

When Arm came out from the bathroom after having a bath.

Nicky - "you still didn't answer, where the fuck were you? When you supposed to be here ages ago."

Gun - "Right, If we didn't have your spare key we would have died in front of the door waiting for you"

Arm didn't bother to answer but he noticed Tay is missing - "Where is Tay?"

This time Krist put his book back on the shelf and walked towards the dining table - "he is on the balcony"

Arm nodded and then walk towards where Tay was.

Arm opened the balcony door.

Tay - "you came?'

Arm - "hum-mm"

he stands beside Tay copying his gesture.

Tay - "is everything fine?"

Arm - "It's true, they live with him"

Tay signed - "hmmm"

Arm - "ahhh, one more thing I wanted to .."

he stopped because Tay looked at him.

Tay - "they are close"

Arm nodded.

Tay looked back towards the night sky.

Tay - "Are they .... together?"

Arm fast answered- "I dont think so"
He said looking at Tay.

Then he paused for some time.

And continued - "but if we did nothing then ... they might be "

Tay signed and drop his head in between his hands.

Arm put his hand on his shoulder .- "Its ok, we can make it"

Tay smiled thinly but didn't say anything he let Arm lead him way back to the room.

Inside the room,

when Tay sat beside Krist.

Krist - "You found out?" Asked Tay and then look at Arm.

he nodded.

Nicky - " what you guys are talking about?"

that's when Gun noticed that Tay, Arm and Krist are looking dead serious.

Gun sat beside Krist and Nicky beside Arm. It's a round table.

No one answered what Nicky asked when he tried asking him again, Gun was quick to stop him.

They all started eating in silence until Krist said - "you know that they all are close to each other? it might be just that"

Arm - "at first I thought so but...."

Gun - "But what?"

Arm - "I guess they are very close "

Nicky realise what they are talking about - "But Alice ? Do you think she will like him? That way?"

Arm said in annoyance - "she went missing for 2 hours just fucking 2 HOURS and he CALLED her fucking 30+ TIMES and TEXTED 100+ MESSAGES, WHAT DO YOU THINK? ABOUT THAT?"

Everyone is startled, he paused for some time and then continued
Arm - "she even, not only smiled looking that fucking SCREEN but when she get off my fucking CAR the first thing she did is ran towards HIM and HUGGED HIM LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW"

But then he immediately regretted saying that after looking at Tay and Krist's face.

Gun - "hey I know them and if you ask me New took care of her and Mild more as a sister"

Nobody said anything after that. They finished their food and clean the place. No one wants to leave the place. Especially when they are in bad mood.

After finishing everything they sat in the hall.

Looking at his friend's worried faces.

Tay said with a smile - "it's ok guys, it's not like something going to happen between us. He didn't even like us. Being a friend is more than enough for me (he said in mind "if he considers me as a friend"). I am not in a position to wish more"

Because of what Tay said Gun and Nicky got tears in their eyes. They never saw him so helpless, for them, he is the strongest person who can achieve every desire he has.

Arm felt guilty he didn't want to let out his frustration that way but the image of smiling Alice for New is somehow still making him irritated.

Krist knew that Arm never want to hurt Tay and won't do anything purposely that will hurt his friend's which he consider as family. He is still trying to figure out why Arm explore like that, normal Arm would have made fun of the situation at first and given a solution after that but this reaction?

Nicky suddenly said looking at Arm with hopes - "we still can do something right?"

That's when reality hit Arm hard when he saw tears in Nicky and Gun's eyes, he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he totally missed the sad faces of his friends.

Arm look one by one to everyone when his eyes meet Krist he saw the confused look.

Arm thought for some time and said - "yes we can, but for that (looking at Gun and Nicky) I need you guy's to help me."

They both wipe their teary eyes and smiled brightly while nodding.

Tay and Krist looked at each other, then at Arm.

Arm - "you guy's trust me right?"

Tay shook his head saying no, so do Krist.

Arm - "Good, now be with me then. So I won't make any mistake"

Gun and Nicky started laughing at that and soon after others joined them too.

Tay almost in a whisper to Krist - "do you think it's a good idea?"

Krist nodded - "he will make sure it will work not only for you but for him too"

Tay look confused - "huh?"

Krist just smirks looking at Arm who is busy teasing Nicky with Gun.

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