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When she completed her days lessons she decided to stay in the light of the library and delve into some more books about the world around her. She particularly wanted to read as much as she could on Jötunn as a species. Maybe a basic Jötunn for dummies book, but it was hard to find anything definitive.

She wanted to help Loki discover his past, he had been lied to for so long and she knew too well that the festering of the heart that happened when you harboured that hatred and unforgiving. The last thing she wanted was for him to hate his Asgardian family, or harbour bad feelings for his birth parents.

As she searched, she found only one book of Royal family of the Jötunn. The book was bronze and as she touched it she realised the cover was made of actual Bronze metal, with etchings on the cover of text. Y/N had been spending her days learning how to read and speak traditional Asgardian language as she was told that she would need to for vows. But this book was nothing like what she had seen before.

They looked Asgardian in text but the etchings seemed harder to read. But one thing was for sure, she found Laufey and an artist's rendering. He looked foreboding and unforgiving, not the idea of a father inlaw she wanted to have. But then again, Odin was so overbearing and scary, and he beat Laufey many times. As she turned the page she came across something unusual. A reference to a woman, Farbauti. Something she could read was one passage:

First queen of Jötunnheim. She was both slender and meak but powerful in the way of sorcery.

But on closer inspection of the picture she looked... almost human. Her long red hair and green eyes reminded her of Loki. She was depicted in a wooded area with plants and animals flocking around her. She looked kind and had a slightly mischievous look about her. Her skin was pale like alabaster, and from her hands magic swirled. One word she read also:


She was unsure as to what this actually meant, but was sure she had heard it before. She realised after a moment that the darkness had begun to overtake the skies. She took the book and tucked it to her new school bag Frigga had so kindly bestowed upon her.

Her ability to translate the book was slow and headache inducing. She had spent most of her evening and now her morning decoding. She found references to Jötunn biology and what was toxic to them, one of the strongest toxins was Jötunn þoka. It grew in Alfheim and Nilfgard and was burned like sage to ward away Jötunn, entrancing and immobilising them.

The whole thing was impossible, some markings looked like Asgardian, and some looked even more alien than what they were. It must have been Jötunn language, and she had no way of translating those. She felt like lobbing it out of the window at this rate, as she was finding nothing. Sitting on her bed, she tucked the book under her pillow for safe keeping and hopefully she would be able to find something in the library another time to help her translate.

She hastened down the corridors as she made her way from Frigga's study where she had organised dining arrangements with Lord Sten, the portly gentleman she had met many moons ago at her first royal feast. He seemed to know everything about everyone and was invaluable as a seating chart master. "Never seat Lord Utrel with Lord Cnut they have not gotten along for over 900 years, ever since Midgard was closed to them. and whatever you do, do not seat ladies of Alfheim with the ladies of Nidavellir, they completely clash and I guarantee violence!"

If the violence was against the Lady Aífe I would be all for it she thought, as long as she would be the one suffering from it. She came back to her room to relax before her lessons. Every morning had started at 5.30 am and ended at 10pm and she wanted to chill before having to spend the day learning history and etiquette.

Loki And The Thief Pt2Where stories live. Discover now