Rebel Yell

526 19 14

"Any warrior in battle must treat their sword with respect. Imagine you are holding a bird. Hold it too hard and you will kill it. Too loose and it will fly away." Fandral instructed as Y/N held out the practice sword in front of her.

"Don't worry, I have seen enough swashbuckler movies to know what I am doing."

Fandral huffed and stood behind her, "Then at least get your stance right." He put his hand on her hips, moving her into position. Y/N shifted clearly uncomfortable with his touch.

You need to keep your waist and hips loose, from the top here, your diagram. " he place a hand just under her breasts and another just above her bottom. "To right here, in your core."

She stuttered as he touched her his breath hot on her neck and he stroked her back and beneath her sternam attempting the loosen her nerves. "Erm, Fandral is it? I Don't think that is where my diaphragm is, I am pretty sure it's lower-"
He shushed her and continued to shake her form, his mouth still a little too close for comfort.

"You know, Loki is a very lucky man. I can't imagine why the Norns saw fit to entagle your fates... but here we are. Maybe they have bigger plans for you?"
"And maybe they would be pissed off at you laying your hands on his fiancée?" She scolded batting away his hand.

He replaced his hands and span her back into the position he had her, making her yelp as he did. "Now, now little mortal, no need for the claws. I suggest you retract them. I am only being friendly."

She trembled a little. Had Loki set this up? Was it a test of some kind? Another joke that she was the butt of? "Then I suggest you stop being 'friendly' before I take your eye out!" she turned and slapped him, pushing him backwards. "That's enough!" Y/N turned to see the Lady Sif making her way towards Y/N.

Making a sigh of relief she backed away from Fandral with a glare. She had heard he was a bit of a womaniser but didn't think he was so bold as to make a move against Loki's fiancée.

"Ah, lady Sif, what a delight. Here to teach the potential princess a few moves then? She has her own Midgardian ones." He said with a chortle as he stroked the slap mark on his face. "Yes, I am taking over. It's time our little Midgardian had a real lesson without flirtation."

Y/N smiled at this thinking that Sif was on her side and willing to help a girl out... oh no. Not today.
"Leave us Fandral, I have some moves of my own."
Sif picked put up her sword to face Y/N, and Y/N shuddered with anticipation as to what the lady Sif had in store. The last time Y/N saw her, the only interaction was a glare in Y/N's direction and some sort of tension was born, but god knows what.

"So, little princess, you think you are worthy of a title in Asgard? Let's see if you can fight for it where it counts."
Y/N raised her sword, barely prepared for the forceful hit against her metal reverberating through her and she blocked the attack of Lady Sif.

The fight was less than honourable in Y/N's eyes, with Sif constantly kicking her when she was down. How many times Sif seemed to kick her in her stomach became double digits, like she was trying to make her repeat her breakfast. "Sif , for god's sake, what is your problem?"  Y/N shouted as she brought her fist down to her face.

"You!" She screamed "You are my problem!" Sif kicked out knocking Y/N to her backside "you come here like it is nothing, like Asgard is nothing to overcome. Yet you do not understand that Asgard will be impossible for you. You don't fit in, mortal!"
She pointed her sword in Y/N's direction, causing her to worry if this lesson would end on a bloody note.

Loki And The Thief Pt2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora