Today my Life Begins

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Birds singing. I vaguely heard the sound of birds singing. Then..children screaming? I opened my least tried to. Something cold and icy was all over my face. What is on my face?! I tried moving my arm to no avail. It felt as if there was a huge weight all over my body. First thing that happens is panic.Where am I? Am I dead?! Was it that cold?! I knew I shouldn't have left! But they were abusive..and..and- "HELP!!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!" I screamed. I continued screaming until I was sure I heard the crunch of footsteps nearing me.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I heard a boy ask meekly.

"I'm here!!" I called out.

"Jamie, who are you talking to?" This time it was a girl's voice.

"I heard someone. They were screaming for help."

"Are you sure? Maybe it's just Jack playing a prank on you-hey let's find him!" I heard footsteps running away.

I definitely did not want to be forgotten in the position that I was in, so I started screaming.

"WAIT!! HELP!! I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM AND I CAN'T MOVE!" I screamed. The girl and boy both let out startled screams.

"Who...who are you?" the boy asked. "Are you a friend of Jack's?" Who the heck is Jack?

"Look, kid, I don't know who Jack is. Just please, can you get me out of here?!" I strained my voice to be heard.

"Okay, I'll get you out, I promise. Just wait." Wait?!

"I think I can do that!" I replied while hyperventilating. Suddenly, I heard footsteps getting farther and farther until I could no longer hear them. Great! They ditched me and now I'm going to be stuck here for who knows how long. OKAY CALM DOWN. Just breathe. BREATHE. Just as I was just starting to calm myself down, I heard footsteps approaching again, more pairs of feet than last time.

"Okay guys, just listen for her voice, and once you know where she is, start digging. Got it?"

"What's it to us?"

The boy named Jamie let out a sigh before saying, "I'll have my mom make us hot chocolate if you find her." Aw that's so sweet of him. The kids made sounds of approval and pretty soon I heard more crunching footsteps.

"I'm over here!" I called out. I heard the children come close and someone stepped on my hand. "Ow!!" I screamed.

"Oops. Sorry. Found her!!" I heard a girl say. Suddenly, I had someone push the heavy weight off of me and I was able to see again. Blue flooded my eyes and I realized it was the sky. I blinked a couple of times before seeing the children's faces. I took in big, fresh gulps of air and let them help me sit up. Sitting off to the side was the huge block off ice and snow that had trapped me.

"What were you doing in there?" A boy with brown hair, big eyes, and a gap toothed smile asked.

"It's a long story. What time is it?" I let a buff looking girl brush the snow out of my hair. A boy with an afro crinkled his nose.

"Well we just ate breakfast hour ago so it's ten o' clock. I think."

"Oh okay, what city or town is this?" The kids threw each other a look I didn't recognize.

"You're not from around here, are you?" The girl with a striped hat asked. I thought for a minute. I had only moved here a week ago and that was because my foster parents had already been living here. I hated the idea of calling them my parents. Before I could answer, a snowball hit the back off her head, throwing her off balance and toppling onto the snow covered ground.

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now