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I don't know what made me do this, but I grabbed the nearest weapon-looking object and jumped back into the bed. Just as I pulled the covers over me, the door flew open. I didn't see it open, but I felt the warm rush of air that came with the opening of the door.

"Look, she's not awake." the Austrailian stated.

"Are you sure? I could've sworn I heard someone moving around in here a minute ago."

I froze and stopped breathing. I recognized that voice. It was Jack.

"Wait a second-" At the sound of a Russian, and I don't have anything against Russians, but I spun around in the bed to look at the kidnappers. The first thing I saw was a tall, burly man with dark eyebrows and a white beard. He had tattoos all over his arms and the first thing that popped into my head was: This man is going to kill me. My eyes flickered over to the others and I saw a golden man who was..floating? Behind him was a giant bunny-kangaroo thing and a flying hummingbird lady with purple eyes. In the midst of it all was the boy, Jack. Please keep in mind that I saw all of this within a three second interval and it did not help anymore with my current condition.

"AHH! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I shrieked and wielded my makeshift weapon. The creatures or people or whatever they are, held up their hands and paws. The golden man snickered silently and I finally looked at what I was holding. A candycane stick about as big as my forearm. To no avail, I was frickin scared. I backed away from them on the bed, still holding the candycane. Slowly, I stepped off of the bed, using my candycane as a shield. Something bumped my foot and I quickly looked down. A dwarf or some type of doll looking thing bared its teeth at me. I screamed and nudged it away with my foot before quickly running to the window.

"It's okay, little devushka! We will not harm you!" the Russian man stepped forward holding his arms up as if motioning to some great object. When he did, I slightly flinched back because he looked like he was going to throw something at me.

"Uh, North? I don't think it's a good idea to do that-" the hummingbird started, but then the furry beast moved past her to approach me.

"Hey there little-" Out of fright, threw the candycane and hit it right in the middle of the face. Jack burst out laughing, but was quickly silenced when the kangaroo beast gave him a look. Since they were distracted, I quickly unlatched the window with stealthy, quiet hands. The golden man noticed what I was doing amidst all of the laughter and tried to tell everyone. It was funny because he couldn't seem to be able utter a word. I jumped out of the window, but started screaming as soon as I saw that I was headed for dark abyss. The wind rushed past my ears and I waved my arms, almost expecting to start flying. This wasn't real. I was probably just hallucinating or dreaming! Maybe if I flicked myself, I would wake up and everything would go back to normal! Quickly, I flicked my left hand as hard as I could to which only searing pain resulted in my palm. It didn't work. This shit just got real.

"HEEEELLP!!" I screamed, the chasm was nearing now and it looked ever so dark. What am I thinking?! Screaming for help isn't going to do anything! The wind began to sting my face and exposed skin, my bandages started to unwrap and my racing heartbeat only went faster. I squeezed my eyes shut because there was no use in torturing myself by watching the ground grow closer and closer. Out of nowhere, I was hit with a strong force and the wind no longer blew my hair up.

"Gotcha! Open up your eyes." Jack breathed into my ear and I felt his arms holding me tightlly. I opened my eyes and-we were soaring through the air?!

"JAACK!!" I screamed and gripped his sweatshirt, not wanting to be thrown to my death.

"It's okay, you're safe now." he reassured me and I felt us land on solid ground. Shakily, I let go of his sweatshirt and he held my arm steadily as I wobbled over to the bed to sit down. He let go of my arm and sat down on a chair near the bed, his body facing towards where his back should be. He rested his chin on the back of the chair, his arms supporting his face. I could feel his eyes on me as I caught my breath, trying not to hyperventilate. "You know, you never told me your name."


He seemed to think for a moment before waving his hand, and a small gust of wind shut the open window.  

"Pretty name." he smiled, and I relaxed. Out of all of the people and creatures here, he seemed like the least menacing to me for some reason.

"Where did they go?" I asked. They could be watching me right now and I didn't want to take any chances.

"Where did what go?"

"The kangaroo-bunny thing and other people?" 

Jack laughed and swung his legs off of the chair then walked to the door. He opened it and took a few steps out before turning around to look at me.

"Well? You coming or not?"

He did save my life and all so I guess I kind of owed him. Quickly, I got up and followed him out of the room into what seemed like the coolest house ever. The aroma of sweet peppermint and hot cocoa was in the air and I was reminded of how I never got to eat my can of corn. Life sucks. Down below, on the first level in the center of the house was a giant globe that reached all the way up here. Scattered in various parts of the world, all over the continents were golden dots that shimmered like stars. The carpet was red and decorated in a way that had this whole Christmas-y demeanor about it. The architecture of everything was just so simple yet complicated and up above there was a skylight. The moon was clearly shown although it was the afternoon. Which brings me to my next point. How long had I been out?

"Whoa.." I gaped at the beauty of it all.

"For a mortal, you have such beautiful teeth!  Have you had braces?" someone was in my mouth now, I felt fingers prodding my teeth and the hummingbird lady hovered in front of me. She must be crazy or something to get up in someone's face like it's a normal thing.

"Uhh..hangkshuhhwahaweyuhuing?" My words came out in a bunch, and I winced because I could've sworn that her fingers touched my tongue.  

"Tooth!  Hands out of mouth please!" The Russian ordered.

"Oops, sorry." she looked down at the floor and fluttered back a bit.

The whole situation was surreal and everything seemed a bit blurry and bright.

"Why am here? And how did I even get here?  Also, where am I, exactly?" I asked, looking to Jack and the others for some answers.

"You nearly died!" Tooth said from behind me, and I spun around to face her.

"You could see Jack, and not many people your age can see." The giant kangaroo said in his thick Austrailian accent.  "Little Sandy here, brought you." 

I looked at the golden floating man and he waved.  "How?" I asked, thinking that this guy couldn't possibly have carried me.  He pointed upwards and above his head, a couch made of golden sand appeared.  I reached up and stared in awe when my hand met with what felt like real fabric.

"But it was I!  Who found you." Jack announced a bit arrogantly and smiled sheepishly.

"And YOU, are at the North Pole!!" Russian Guy threw his arms up and spun in a circle.  I chuckled at this.  Way to be dramatic, Russian Guy.  "Also known as my workshop!"  Hahaha..wait, what?

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora