Midnight Visit

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I had a dreamless sleep.  Which really sucked.  Usually, I can have the privilege of escaping reality and flying away to the imaginative world of my mind.  That's about everyday.  When I awoke, it was dark and the room was quiet.  No sounds could be heard from the workshop below.  The silence was eerie and I sat up in bed, wondering where everyone could have gone.  Was this even real?  I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and saw the bandages.  Yup, this was real alright.  The window had somehow opened while I was sleeping and the chilly air crept in.  I slid out of bed and walked on silent feet to the windowsill where I leaned on the palms of my hands–sticking my head out to get a better look.  The moon was full and had a bright luminescence.  I don't know why, but the moon has always had the sort of effect on me.  Especially if there were bright stars all around the night sky.  This sky did, of course and I could see the milky way galaxy.  If I chose to become one of the guardians, would I become immortal?  Would I obtain powers and abilities of my own?  Did that mean that I wouldn't be able to die?  Honestly, I had no idea.  But if I could, would I?  Would I choose to leave the life I had now and choose to–and I'm quoting here–'protect the children who would believe in us'?  What do they even need protection from?  All of this thinking was making my head ache.  Nothing better to solve a headache than music with some fresh air.  I reached behind me to grab my backpack, but my hand only met the plush carpet.  What the–?  I could've sworn it was there..unless it was only my imagination.  Which was highly likely considering I nearly died yesterday.  I bit my lip to stop myself from groaning out loud.  That meant that I lost it in the woods.  Well I'm screwed.  My ipod and all of my favorite stuff was in that bag.  Unless..one of the 'guardians' had it.  I sure as hell hoped they hadn't went through it.  I had some..er.. personal items in there.  Only the tooth fairy would understand, if you know what I mean.  Sometimes it sucks being a girl.  I slumped down against the bed and was just starting to close my eyes when I heard a fluttering sound.  It was distinct and it sounded as if it was coming from right outside the window.  The only thing that sounded similarly to that was..Tooth.  Was she trying to spy on me or something?!  I scrambled to my feet and flattened myself against the wall beside the windowsill.  A shadow was cast into the room and I held my breath.  This wasn't Tooth.

"Is this the place?!" Someone with a thick british accent whispered angrily.  Their shadow was large and I could clearly see it was in the shape of a man wearing some type of dress.  The small shadow, about the size of the palm of my hand seemed to nod their head.  It wasn't as if they had any choice on the matter–yeah I could tell.  Even the shadow of a cage was cast down around the small fairy person.  "Where the new guardian is?!  You better not be lying!" his movements were smooth and precise.  I could see that although he was trying to appear powerful, he was weak on the inside.  I just have the sort of thing with people.  The tiny fairy thing started pulling on the bars of the cage thing, but was too weak and too small to do any damage.  The English Man let out a dramatic 'evil laugh' and I just noticed that he was levitating.  He couldn't be a guardian.  Especially if he had trapped one of those fairy things that Tooth always had around her.  I had to ask the Guardians if they had any enemies that fit the description of this English Man.  Suddenly, there was a loud WOOSH and the shadows were gone.  I took a step into the moonlight and stuck my head out of the window.  Nothing.  Cue dramatic music, come back inside, and slowly close the window.  I glanced at the moon one last time before crawling under a desk and letting the darkness envelop me with cold feet.

A/N: Sorry guys!!! I know this is the second time I've made such a short chapter, but my schedule's been packed with Musical and Track practice. I've been thinking about posting one of my other stories that I originally posted on another website, on this site

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