Survival at it's Worst

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The icy wind stung my cheeks and my lungs burned with exhaustion. You can't stop now. Not yet. I sped up a bit and increased my pace. The fog was starting to disappear now and the snow was falling in small clumps. Trees were coming into view and my breathing was getting haggard. I hobbled a little as I slowed down. My socks were soaked and numb due to the fact that I was wearing sneakers. The wind blew harder. I collapsed underneath a lone willow tree and immediately regretted it. Cold snow seeped through my jeans and the tights underneath didn't prevent it from getting through to my skin. I took in a sharp breath, trying to prevent the string of swears from escaping. A hair fell in front of my face and I reached up to brush it off. Instead, I poked myself in the eye. What the heck?! I winced and glared at my hand. I pulled off one glove with using my teeth and willed my fingers to form a fist, but the reaction was delayed. That's when I realized that they had a purplish hue. You're being paranoid. Stop it. Just get some rest. I pulled my hat tighter around my ears before shutting my eyes, trying to ignore the howling wind. 

*A/N-Really sorry for the short chapter guys!! I haven't been in the writing mood lately, but I PROMISE I will make it up to you in the next chapter, I SWEAR

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