The Snowball

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The girl stood up, who I then knew as Pip, with a crazed look in her eyes.

"Okay, who threw that?!" she began laughing hysterically.

Before anyone could utter a word, a snowball hit Jamie in the face. I looked around frantically, for the person who could have possibly thrown that. Only trees and snow met my gaze. Jamie and Pip began collecting snowballs and whipping them at the other children. As soon as it hit them, they seemed to be put under a spell, the snow spreading joy and laughter. I couldn't help but laugh along, when they would laugh and fall. Suddenly, I saw a snowball in the air, going straight for my face. Instictively, I threw my arm out and caught it.  I accidentally crushed it when my fist closed around it, sending particles of snow everywhere. A bright light blinded my vision-it didn't seem to be coming from anywhere else except from myself.  I took in a deep breath and the air in my lungs felt minty and cold.  Something about me felt changed.  I dropped the crushed snow and shakily brought my hand close to my face.  A blue snowflake pattern formed in the palm of my hand and what looked like the roots of a tree traveled up my forearm.  I scrambled to my feet and ripped off my layers, pulling up my sleeves.  I gasped when I felt the cool sensation travel to my neck and face.  The color blue-cerulean if I wanted to be more specific-clouded my vision.  It disappeared and I looked down at my other hand and saw the same design on my right hand form on the palm.  I had no idea what was happening.  Frost formed on my fingernails and just when I thought things would get weirder, everything stopped.  The designs seemed to fade right into my skin and although I couldn't see them anymore, I could still feel the imprint that the cool sensation had left. 

The children didn't seem to notice what had happened to me.  They continued laughing and running like they were having the time of their lives.  I cracked a smile and leaned against the tree, watching over them like a babysitter or guardian angel.  At this thought, I chuckled and crossed my arms.  The cold wind hit me and I quickly pulled back on the sweater and jacket.  For a couple seconds, it felt as if everything was alright.  I felt at home, not scared or worried.  And then I remembered why I was here.  I swallowed hard and tried to put the past behind me.  This is now, and that was then.  I finally calmed myself down enough to study the kids.  And that's when I saw the boy.

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang