So Much Dialogue..

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"Having fun?" Jack opened one eye, smirking at me.

Almost instantly, my face began to burn and this seemed to get a chuckle out of him.

"Didn't think you were the type to blush so easily." 

I was blushing?  Since when did I blush?  Stupid emotions.

"I don't!" Shit. That came out louder than I intended.

Jack was grinning now, and he closed his eyes to let out a silent laugh.  I breathed through my nostrils, inhaling the sweet air, all the while attempting not to give my emotions away again.  He stretched his arms behind his head and lay like that, staring up at the top of the Warren.  Silence spread around us once more and I turned away from him to look up as well.  This was nice.

"You know," Jack started, still staring up. "You never answered my question."  He seemed to have a lot of unanswered questions for me.

"Are we really going to talk about this?" I shook my head without looking at him.  The long green grass tickled the sides of my face and I wrinkled my nose.

"We can if you want to." he said softly.  

"What are we going to do about all of this?" I asked quietly, somewhat not acknowledging his comment.  He sighed, half comfortable, half exhausted.  I twirled my fingers around the blades of grass beneath me, and the action felt natural.  Who knew that I would find myself laying next to a winter spirit days after running away?  

Jack must've not heard me and I decided not to ask again.  I didn't like repeating myself in fear of sounding like an idiot.  Instead, I set myself on asking a different question and this time, getting an answer.  

"How did you become who you are now?" I stopped twirling my fingers and snapped them, giving him my full attention.  Silence.  I turned my head and found him staring into nothingness.



"Jack, are you okay?"



His eyes were getting wide as if he was seeing things that I couldn't.  I sat up.

Tentatively, I reached out a bandaged hand and poked his cheek.  Weird.  I thought he would be cold considering he was a winter spirit.  I brushed my fingers softly against his jaw, testing again.

"He-llo?" I waved my hand in front of his face a couple of times.  He didn't even blink.  What in the world was going on?  Nothing was happening.  It was like he couldn't hear me or something.  I looked around me.  The wind had stopped blowing.  That was weird.  The trees weren't moving anymore and all I could hear was the rustle of my clothes as I struggled to stand up.  I pressed a palm to my chest, just above where my heart should be.  It was a thing I did to calm myself in times of distress.  

It wasn't beating.

"What the fuck?" I smirked in amusement and started to claw the long hair away from my neck to look for a pulse.  

Okay, either I wasn't doing it right or something was wrong.

After a minute, I concluded that something was wrong.  My smirk vanished.

Something was very wrong.

Jack wasn't moving, I didn't have a pulse, and the wind had stopped.

Maybe I'm imagining things.

"Hey!" I bent down and peered into Jack's face.  He didn't respond, as he was still frozen.  "Dude!" I snapped my fingers and waved them frantically before his eyes. 

"It's hard to expl-WOAH HOW DID YOU-" Jack immediately started to speak but quickly began shouting.  I simultaneously screamed at whatever the heck was happening.

"HOW DID I WHAT?!  WHAT DID I DO?!" I screeched, adrenaline pumping through me within seconds.

"THAT!  ONE SECOND YOU'RE NEXT TO ME, THE NEXT YOUR IN MY FACE!" His eyebrows went up and down with confusion.  The wind was back again, and I could hear the trees rustling for sure this time.  My heart pumped loudly, I could definitely feel it getting close to shutting down if it beat any faster.


We were both standing up now, Jack was making sure there was some distance between us.  I breathed heavily, attempting to regain some of the oxygen I had foolishly wasted screaming.  Jack was apparently doing the same, as he ran a hand through his soft white hair.  

"Nat.  I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened." He spoke slowly, like he was trying not to scare me away. 

"Okay," I nodded slowly. "I asked you a question and then I-"

"Wait a second, did you snap your fingers?" He interrupted me, having a sudden interest in my actions. What?  What did that have to do with any of this?  

I made a face before continuing, "Jack, that's not important, I-" 

I closed my mouth.  Wait.  Was it important?  Now that I thought about it, I did snap my fingers before and after being 'dead'.  Maybe snapping my fingers was a trigger?

"I noticed that you snapped your fingers before you jumped me." he pondered out loud.  I narrowed my eyes at his exaggeration.  Snap fingers, yes.  Jump him, no.  If I wanted to jump him, I would have done it a long time ago.  "That might have something to do with becoming a Guardian!" His eyes grew bigger and he grabbed ahold of my shoulders before shaking me repeatedly.  My head flew back and forth as his words flew at me.  

"Please stop." My voice shook with the motions and he momentarily stopped to gape at me.

"Natalia, you're going to be a Guardian!" he laughed excitedly and shook me again.

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now