Not North

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The elf took a few more steps before collapsing and falling, face down. Jack groaned and held his head in his hands.

"It sounded like North." He mumbled as I hopped down from the stone egg. The elf was still breathing, I could tell that. But there had to be a reason that he was here. My vision zoned in on its hand.

"Jack, you have to come see this." I called and approached the tiny creature. I gently nudged the elf onto its back using my bandaged foot. Its hand slowly opened and I saw that it was holding a scroll. A message.

I knelt down on one knee and reached for the tiny paper.







"What the-"

"Let me see that." Jack swiped the scroll from my fingers and squinted at it.

"Damn. Guess it's just you and me for a week."

"Who said it was gonna be a week?" I questioned.

"Nobody, but that's how long it'll usually take."

I stared at him, skeptical.

"So what happens to me now?" I looked around the Warren as I said this.

"I honestly have no clue." He swung his staff around and leaned on it. "I'm still new to this whole Guardian thing."

"But don't you think they'll send directions or something..?" I tried.

How was I supposed to turn into a..Guardian if they weren't here to guide us? Or me, if I wanted to be more specific. Jack sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Eh...we'll have to experiment a little. Maybe light some candles, chant a bit. We'll figure it out." He shrugged and flashed me that crooked smile.


"Jack, I don't think this is right-"

"Just shut up and try it."

"Fine." I huffed.

I was sitting cross legged on a very flat, very round looking rock. It was located within the center of the Warren, as if it was some holy relic. Honestly, I thought the whole idea of this was a bit ridiculous.

Sunlight streamed down from both sides to meet at this unusually perfect rock. Flowers grew around it, creating a beautiful scene. And placed atop my head was a crown of flowers.

"What exactly am I supposed to do?" I asked with a bored tone.

"Try closing your eyes and breathing evenly!" Jack called from bellow.

"This is stupid.." I muttered.

"I heard that!" He retorted.

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now