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"Rise and shine!" Tooth burst into the room with the other guardians right behind her and my eyes flew open.

"Um..Natalia?" she fluttered around the room and I wiped the sleep from my eyes before sliding out from under the desk. Tooth shrieked from fright and North chuckled loudly.

"I never thought you could hide in the shadows so well." Jack stated with a smirk on his face but he seemed to remember something and his face became serious.

As I used the desk to push myself up, I remembered everything that happened last night.

"Do you guys have any enemies I should know of?" I looked at them hoping that they would say no and I was just being delusional. Jack narrowed his eyes.

"Why?" I was starting to see more and more of his dark side.

"I thought I heard someone outside of the window in the middle of the night. I couldn't see his face but I saw his shadow and what he sounded like. I believe he had a sort of British accent?"

Tooth flew up to me and gripped my shoulders in an instant. "Anything else?!" she was becoming frantic and it kinda freaked me out. "I thought I saw one of your fairies helpers with him-"

"-Are you positive?!" I winced at her shrilly voice.

"Yes, but-"

"-BUT WHAT?!" All of the guardians yelled at the same time. I stepped back and held my arms out defensively. "Let me speak!" I exclaimed a bit angrily and I my hands felt hot. What was the big deal about this English man? Was he that much of a threat?! I took a big breath before continuing. "Your hummingbird helper was in a cage. And the English man has heard of me."

Tooth landed softly on her knees, a look of sadness on her face. North began patting her back and Bunnymund looked scared. Sandy had these sand whips out like he was ready to fight. I looked at Jack and he looked like he was going to kill someone. I felt so out of place-not able to know what was going on. I didn't want to say anything because this didn't seem like the right time. North was back now and he looked ten times angrier and more aggressive than Jack. He stood in front of me now, looming over me. I had the urge to shrink back but as he crossed his arms, I froze.

"You do not have as much time to decide if you want to become a guardian-"

"Wait, WHY?" His voice became scarier and he ignored me.

"You must choose today." The other guardians stared at me, expectant and waiting for my answer.

"Why?! Is someone going to kill me if I don't choose today?!"

Jack stepped up to stand next to North. "Yes." he stated without emotion and I stopped breathing.

"Can't you all tell me why I have to choose today? I need to know!" I wanted to punch something because no one was telling me anything. As Bunny started to open his mouth, there was a loud boom from the rooftop.

"There's no time! Yes or no?" My life seemed to flash before my eyes when North boomed and everything seemed to freeze. Living forever? Supernatural abilities? Changed appearances? There were so many possibilities and they hadn't even explained a single thing to me. Then I thought of something that made me laugh. Yolo. I blinked once before saying my final answer.

No turning back.



North nodded to Jack once and he grabbed my hand before running out of the room.

"Where are we going?!" my voice wobbled as we went up another flight of stairs instead of going downstairs. I didn't even have my shoes or my backpack! Not to mention a sweatshirt!

"Ja-" he suddenly swerved to the right-spinning at the same time to cover my mouth with his cool hand. Jack pulled me backwards into a closet, slamming the door as soon as I was in. My heart started to beat faster in my chest and for some reason I didn't move. In my mind I was screaming RAPE and I didn't realize how possible that was until I felt his arm slide around my waist. DAFUQ?! I began struggling but he was surprisingly strong. "Sh.." he breathed and I knew something was wrong. He was trying to hide me from whatever crashed from downstairs. I fuckin hoped that was why!! Outside, there was silence. Suddenly I heard a shrilly scream and then what sounded like metal slashing through the air. "That's our cue." Jack let go of my mouth and flipped me onto his back. I nearly screamed, but by now I was used to being thrown around and getting piggyback-rides. "Put your arms around me." he softly spoke and I smiled nervously to myself-trying not to giggle. I did as I was told and as soon as I clasped my hands together in front of his chest, he punched something in the wall that caused the wooden floor to disappear beneath us.

"You can scream now!!" Jack laughed as we went falling into what seemed like a black hole. I let out a short shriek before I started laughing excitedly. And the next thing I knew, we were flying. It was a long, dark tunnel, and Jack swerved and turned so many times that my hair was flying everywhere. I was laughing and having the time of my life-I've always LOVED roller coasters. And had dreams about flying so this was like two of my favorite things in one! I didn't want to make us less aerodynamic so I leaned down as far and as close as possible so I was a bit more parallel to Jack's body. It was a bit weird, I know, but I wanted to go faster! Jack was smiling and we shot out of the tunnel, the sunlight blinding me for a couple of seconds. The sun was just rising over the horizon and everything was so beautiful.

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now