Excuse Me?

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"We are Guardians.  Protectors of the children who believe in us.  I am North!  Also known as Santa Claus!"  Russian guy seemed to yell with his booming voice.

"I'm Bunnymund.  The Easter Bunny." The giant beast stated and I wanted to burst out laughing.  This?  This was the Easter Bunny?  Pffft.  "You got a problem with that?" He asked, and I could tell that he wasn't too jolly about our rough start with the candycane incident.

"Calm down.  I'm Toothiana!  But you can call me Tooth!" exclaimed the hummingbird lady and she smiled brightly.  Yeesh, I have a feeling that we may or may not get along depending on how happy she acts all the time.

"And as you know, I'm Jack.  Oh!  And that's Sandy.  He's the Sandman." he gestured to the golden man who had fallen asleep in mid-air.  "That's considered normal by the way."

I let a small smile escape, but quickly let it disappear when I spotted an alluring light coming from the skylight.  It was so clear and translucent, almost like water.  The light seemed to beckon me and I wanted to reach out and touch it–just for a brief moment.  Now that I thought about it, moonlight always seemed to have that effect on me.  But this moonlight?  No.  This moonlight was different, and something about it seemed a bit off.  Almost like a moth, I was drawn to the stream of light and the others definitely noticed this.

"Um-" Bunnymund started, but I heard a loud 'oof' before he was quiet again.  I suddenly realized what I was doing and quickly spun around to face the others.

"You guys never answered my question.  Why am I here?"  They all stared at me before North took a step forward.

"We..believe that Manny has chosen you to become a guardian."

"Uh..who's Manny?"  Things were just getting weirder and more confusing with each passing second.  "And what do you mean by 'become a guardian'?" I emphasized the words 'become a guardian' by making quotation marks with my fingers.  This time, Jack stepped forward, his face more serious than I had ever seen it.

"The moon wants you to become one of us."

One of them?  Instantly, my eyes flickered over to Bunnymund and Tooth.  Riiiiiiight.  I don't think I would want to become like them.  I mean, they're nice and all, but I just don't want to turn into a giant bunny or a human bird thing.  But the markings on his head were pretty cool, and her eyes were really pretty.  Not everything is about looks though.  I have to keep reminding myself this because of my foster parents.  They looked like the nicest people you could ever meet when the social worker brought me over to see them.  I should've known better.

"But I didn't even know you guys existed before I was brought here!"  Bunnymund scoffed at this and I just noticed that he had a boomerang.

"Then how could you possibly be talking to us right now?"  I was speechless.  That was true.  Before I could respond, Tooth flew up to me.

"Do you want to become a guardian?"

"Can I think about it?" I smiled nervously, hoping that they wouldn't get mad or anything at my response.  She nodded at me and North steered me to one side of the room.  Suddenly, he whipped out what looked like a snowglobe and threw it.  It exploded in mid-air and I instantaneously screamed.  On the other side was my bedroom in the cold attic and I shrunk back, not wanting to be sucked into it.

"You make up your mind within three days!" he declared and started to push me towards the portal.  I screamed and clung to his red apron.  My feet were lifted off of the ground and I felt the wind sucking me to it. 

"NOO!  NOO!  NOO!  NOO!"  I screeeched and held on as tight as I could.  Eventually, the portal closed up, just mere inches away from my toes.  Gravity took over again and I let go of North, causing myself to fall on my stomach with a 'thump'.  "Ow."

"North?  I don't think she wants to go back to her house." 

"Thank you, Bunnymund, for stating the obvious."  Jack interjected sarcastically.

Tooth looked at me with sincerity in her eyes.  "Is there something bothering you, Natalia?"  I took her hand and she pulled me up.

"Thanks.  And yes."  I pointed to my left cheek bone, careful to not touch the bruising and cuts.  "My foster parents did this.  Please don't make me go back.  They think I'm dead, and maybe the government will think that too..?  Just please let me stay.  I have nowhere else to go."  Without realizing it, I had put on my 'talking to the teacher' voice.  I squeezed my arm behind my back as I waited for them to respond.  Tooth wore a pleading look and stared at North for approval, Bunnymund looked pitiful, and Jack just looked plain surprised.  The clock on the wall seemed to tick like a bomb, counting the seconds to my death.  Finally, what seemed like an eternity, came to pass and North squinted at me.  He stroked his beard thoughtfully and I held my breath–waiting for his response.

"Alright, you can stay."

"Yay!"  Tooth flew up in the air a couple of extra feet, doing a backflip on the way down.  Sandman abruptly woke up, sending some particles of sand all around us and I beamed.  


"But?" I stopped what I was doing and the little elves on the floor stopped dancing.  Seriously, those things were creeping me out.

"You can't stay here forever.  You'll have to switch off with Bunnymund and Tooth every once in a while.  It can get really crazy around here especially when Steve gets hungry." he jerked his thumb back at a huge, brown, hairy beast thing that stood behind him.  'Steve' nodded, crossing his humongous arms.  Well then!  North cleared his throat again before speaking once more.  "As I was saying!  You have three days to make up your mind."

"Or else?"

"Ehhh...we'll figure that out later!" North bellowed and went back to whatever he was doing with the Yetis.  Bunnymund tapped his humongous foot twice and a large hole formed in the ground instantly.

"Well, I got to be going!" he announced and jumped through before it closed.

"Me too.  The girls will be needing me back at my place.  It was nice meeting you, Natalia!" she waved at me and flashed me her bright smile.  She started to fly up, but then stopped and turned around.  "Bye Jack!" she giggled and I could've sworn that she blushed when he waved back.  A fangirl.  I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"And you!" Jack jabbed me in the side with his fingers. "Need to get going to bed."

"Aw what?" I gave him a sort of begging look.

"Aw what?" He mimicked me and gently tugged my arm to get me to start walking back up the stairs to the room.  Once we were in front of the door, he pushed it open revealing the comfy bed.  "You need to get some rest."

"Alright." I gave up and limped over to the bed where I collapsed in the soft blankets.

"Hey."  I looked up at him as he stood in the doorway, leaning on his staff.  "Once you feel better, I'll show you around.  That's a promise."  he quietly shut the door and I relaxed on the fluffy pillows.

This day just kept getting better and better.

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now