All Alone

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I stared after him, watching him disappear into the clouds. Who was he? I shook my head. I must've been hallucinating.

"That's Jack." Someone said, answering my question.

I looked down. Jamie stared up at me, unblinking. I nodded slowly before answering.

"Jack who? And is this..-" I motioned up at the sky. "-normal?" He smiled, his missing tooth making him look extremely adorable. 

"Yup." he nodded frantically, like an excited puppy. I wondered if he was probably in on a prank with Jack on me. I noticed that his friends had stopped the snowball fight and were working together to build an army of snowmen. 

"Do you know when he's coming back?" I asked.

There was something about this 'Jack' that intrigued me. It felt as if I was almost sort of drawn towards him. He probably had this effect on most people. Jamie thought for a bit, scrunching up his nose in concentration.

"Um...I think he might be back by tonight, but sometimes he's busy so maybe in a couple of days. Why?"

"Oh. Um..I was just wondering. Wasn't he cold or something?" I tried to hide my disappointment.  Jamie laughed out loud before exclaiming, "He's the spirit of Winter and Fun! Jack's never cold!" he slid down the icy hill to join his friends while I stared in disbelief.  That makes sense.  Any kid would believe that he was the "spirit of winter" when he dyed his hair white and wore clothes like that.  To be honest, that sounded like a lot of fun.  If I was going to trick the kids into thinking I was a spirit, I would tell them I was the spirit of the stars or darkness or something cool like that.  Or maybe fall.  I certainly had the clothes and features for it. Wavy dark hair, light tan skin, dark eyes, and a slender body.  Or MAYBE, the Spirit of Stars.  I shook my head.  I should seriously stop thinking about things like this.  Although..that would seem quite fun.

"Come on, guys! My mom said the hot chocolate's ready!" Pip called out to her friends.

I did not qualify as one of her friends.  My stomach grumbled, and I realized how hungry I was.  I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday because I had been sent up to the attic early.  How I would kill for a nice warm cup of hot chocolate right now.  I sat down and began to rummage through my bag-looking for one of the canned goods and the can opener.  The can kept slipping out of my hands so I had to remove my gloves to eat.  It was icy to the touch and when I finally had the can opened, my fingers slipped and the top of the can  created a gash that went across my entire left palm.  

"Ah-ah-ah-ow.." I stuttered and gripped my left wrist with my right hand.  Blood seeped out of the cut like a waterfall.  "Oh God, oh God."  I looked at my bag, hoping I didn't forget to put a first aid kit in there.  Suddenly, I heard voices.  NO.  It couldn't be.  But it was.  I struggled to stand up and let go of my wrist.  They were nearing now, probably just past the trees that shaded this area from view.  I grabbed my gloves and shoved them into my pockets just as I heard the trees being rustled.  Just as I slung my backpack over my shoulder, they came into view.

"Idiotic brat." 

Talking to the Moon (Jack Frost/Rise of the Guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now