Finding Family

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"What do you mean you found Jade? It's too early for sick jokes." Hawk stared into my eyes, desperation creeping into his features. " I'm Serious! I found her!" He paused, then took in a deep breath "Scorpion!" I was taken aback " Scorpion? But that's impossible, if he took her she would be dead." Hawk glared at me then spoke slowly, as if speaking to a child. "Max, where are we?" I blinked then scowled right back "Egypt, why?" Where does Scorpion usually go when we rob him?" My face fell and I paused before responding " Egypt" he nodded. "Well what are we waiting for?" I exclaimed, "Let's go get her!" Jackie spoke at last, "Ahem idiot, what about your sister?" I looked down at Arylan, the fact if the matter was I didn't know if she would make it, we managed to bandage all the cuts and scrapes, but that head wound won't stop bleeding. What made me sick was that small hope that maybe in the end she wouldn't make it, I couldn't bare her dying with me later in combat, but now it's peaceful. " Well max? What are we going to do?" I was about to respond when a small voice piped up " we fight, and get back what was taken, what was ripped so violently from us we can hardly function, we fight for our family." I looked down at my sibling, pausing I finally piped up. "Damn straight"

It's been two hours, and we've finally collected ourselves, scavenging what we could from the plane I shouldered my weapon and moved quietly, careful not to raise alarm as we passed through all the villages we finally come to what looks like a small pyramid, but Las Vagus style. I slide open the door, and kill the guards. Creeping around I pick up a map from a fallen guard, "This place is freaking huge" I pass the map around, " look, the containment wing is only down a couple floors, we should make it just fine. In and out, you know?" I admired Hawk's optimism, but it wasn't very convincing. I turned and opened the door, stepping through I immediately sunk into sand, "what the Hel...?" I was sinking faster and faster until I was buried up to my face, I held my breath and fell through an opening. Everyone else were calling my name as I dusted myself off, so I called them down and Watched them all drop from the ceiling. " Weird, mind games" time flew as we hacked, slashed, and shot guards, progressing to the next floor until we got to our own in which we we're searching for. This time An Alarm rang, and I knew this was going to end bad. "Move move! We rushed down the corridor using dead soldiers ID cards to open cells, We were at the end of the hall when I heard a click, then pulled the heavy iron door open. Jade sat against a wall, pale and weak, she was almost asleep but glanced up when the door was unlocked. "Max?" She asked, "yeah, I'm back" she smiled and went back to sleep, I picked her up bridal style and handed my guns to Jackie so she could cover me as we made our escape, moving through the halls we found a service elevator and we all rushed inside. I hit the button and we soared up to the ground floor, where we fought just as hard. We almost made it to the end but I tripped, landing on my knees I didn't see the guard running at me, ready to plunge a sword into my back. As I rose to my feet I heard in unison, two blades, sinking into two bodies. Arylan stood over me, her sword completely run through the guard, but at the same time, she met the same fate. The tip of the guards blade poked through the back of the shirt. Crimson spread across her clothes, but a smile played across her lips, she fell, her small body bringing silence to the room. "Arylan?" She didn't respond, everyone lowered their weapons. I set Jade down and walked to my sister, I rolled her over just as her eyes were closing, and she was taking her final breath. She could only whisper but the five words she mumbled echo in my head whenever I see a little girl. She smiled and allowed herself to be cradled in my arms, and whispered one last thing in my ear. " I love you, big brother"

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