We need no one

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( Maximus's pov) 

We all met up in the park where Hawk was counting his money and smirking, I glanced around uneasily  and waited, a few moments passed and Jackie dropped from a roof top, Marcus landed a flip grinning only seconds later. "I had a 77% chance success rate so I went for it." I grinned "atta boy Marcus! take those risks" he punched my arm, Jackie just rolled her eyes suppressing a grin. Hawk cleared is throat. "well, lets see everyone's haul tonight" I pulled out a gold plated pistol and a blood speckled butterfly knife, Hawk raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. What the big man don't know don't hurt em right?  Jackie pulled out her bag of goodies, jewels and other riches spilling over the mouth of the sack, Hawk presented, nine credit cards, twelve wallets, a watch, three phones, and somehow A silver plated Bassoon? How does one lose a bassoon?    I just shook my head and clapped him on the back. " alright, lets get back and face", I paused." Jade". Everyone gulped, " everyone do a weapon check, see how much damage our gear took."  I examine my guns, everything looked suitable except my dart gun I used as distractions, which had been dented, I took a deep breath. Jackie and Marcus let out a groan, I looked up, Jackie met my eyes scowling. " my knives are bent from stabbing a guy, and my AR-15 barrel is dented" I gave her a pitied look and turned to Marcus "what did you damage?" He returned my gaze wearily "I lost the sword Jade made for me on the roof top" we all flinched. I looked around, "alright Marcus, on a scale of one to ten how fucked are we?" he thought for a moment and gulped, "approximately, 7.5" we all cringed,  Marcus went pale. "alright, we need to get going now" Hawk's fake Irish accent was annoying, but he was right.

We all started walking back and I sank deep into thought. I thought how my parents were killed, and how with them dissolved my last remaining warm feelings for humanity, the only people I could get along with were these four. I looked at each and everyone thinking of their back story, and how screwed up all our lives were, but my mind settled on Jade. I thought about her and her parents trying to make it work in America, but how things never go as planned in the end. I looked at Jackie, and how much she looked like her mother, she had her father's eyes. I've only seen them in pictures but the resemblance was uncanny. Marcus, how much he loved his little sister, and how his parents were forced to kill her, then murdered right in front of his eyes. Finally Hawk, The kindness always suffer the worst, He brings the expression " give me a hero, i'll give you a tragedy"  to life, but hides it behind jokes. I thought about my entire team, family and I knew I would die for them, kill for them, do anything for them. Because I knew they would do the same for me in a heart beat.     

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