Do it for her

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The fighting ceased, I held my sister and stared into space. I looked up at a soldier looming over me, a solemn expression engraved in his face. " you, her brother?" He spoke slowly, and unsteady. I nodded, "we have rule here, don't harm children" I met his eyes, respect, and Honor flowing through me. His expression turned sad, "we owe you, for the girls death. We will let you go free, and I will fight beside you" all I could do was nod and accept his gratitude. The man stood and walked to his comrades, turning he faced us and saluted, as we returned the favor. I walked out, the strange man trailing behind me, holding jade as I carried arylan. When we got home, I would improve my skills, fight, train, and work for her. I would get revenge on scorpion, I would do it, for my little sister.

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