Don't mess with Jackie

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(Jackie's POV) 

I get off my motorcycle and trudge into the school, being anyone but the Seniors, everyone thinks they can pick on you. I made it a point to make sure that doesn't happen to me, or any of us. Yet for some reason or another one big ugly ass girl can't get it through her thick head. Usually people give me a wide path when I walk down the hallway, Now Brenda smith won't because she thinks she's queen of the whole damn school, you may be a queen, but guess what jackass? I'm a God.

As I walk I pull out my manga, My personal favorite, Blue Exorcist. I keep moving as I read but run into something, I look up to see the six foot three senior with her ugly ass mossy brown hair, blue eyes, and school basketball jersey. She sneers at me and plants her palms into my shoulders shoving me backwards, I calmly put my book back in my bag and keep moving forward. It's not even first period, i'll kick her ass after fourth.

I walk as slowly as I can into history and took a seat, happily in the back, as far away as possible. Everyone piled in and I spend a boring fifty minute class drawing on my jeans. When the bell rang I get up not bothering to look at the homework assignment and move as fast as I could out of that room. I drag my feet to my locker and put some unnecessary crap into it, then took unnecessary crap out. I then make my way to Algebra II and take a seat, lazily pulling out my marker, but something makes me uneasy, I soon look up to see Mrs. Garth is staring at me, her beady eyes burning a hole into my soul. Her wrinkly face contracting into a scowl, arms crossing in front of her skinny chest. " You're failing my class" I roll my eyes, we've been over this. I had an eighty nine but Mrs. Garth was a teacher who was convinced anything under a ninety five was failing, I sighed " what do I have in this class?" Trying to sound polite, she took out her ancient clip board and read aloud to me " eighty nine" her eyes found their way back up at me through her half moon blood red glasses. I rolled my eyes, " Mrs. Garth that's not failing, a sixty nine would be failing, and that's twenty points away." She glared at me and opened her mouth to say something but just as she started the bell rang and all of the students sat down. Of course I didn't pay attention in this class either but I wrote the homework down and made my way out once more. I picked up pace to get to the only class I truly liked, English language arts. I took a seat and gave a rare smile to Mrs. Prime and she returned the gesture. I opened my notebook, as everyone finally made an effort to come in when the bell rang. Today's work was like it was specially assigned for me, which it probably was considering Mrs. Prime knew about all my other class situations. We were assigned the entire period to write a twenty six line story, and include as much figurative language that was humanly possible, so of course I found ten times more. If you finished you had no homework so I got lucky tonight.

I walked into fourth period, the one period that truly made my skin crawl, PE. If you were on a school team you were separated from the rest of us, but if you weren't, you were screwed. I managed to survive another day because we played doge ball, I was actually quite good at doge ball so I owned the court. I waited in the gym for the bell to ring when w shadow fell across me, I felt two hands grab my shoulders and lift me up, then throw me to the ground. I pushed myself up avoiding Brenda's punch and uppercutting her in the stomach, She stumbled back but regaining her composure, punched me in the face splitting my lip. My head jerked back and the sharp pain subsided a little, I managed to steal a glance back to see her running at me so I crouched low and flipped her over my shoulder, she fell hard on her back but got right back up. We were both fit so this could have gone on for a while, the only thing that bothered me was her height. I took a running start and swiftly planted two jabs and a counter punch into her face breaking her nose, she threw a hook and I blocked it with my forearm, I heard the bone snap and I let out a stifled cry. I glared at her, my eyes narrowing to slits, my emotions were nothing but anger towards her, and rage flowed through my blood. I started kicking her, round house kicks, spinning hook kicks, head shots but I finished by stepping back a few steps and drop kicking her, She toppled over and lay still. The teachers finally showed up and I was taken to the front office, did I regret it? Hell no, I felt good, so good I smiled the entire way there.   

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