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( Jade's POV) 

I was in metal shop when the rumors started, I heard different things from different people, about what happened in the fourth period gym class. Apparently Jackie beat someone to a pulp but I wasn't surprised. When you pick on Jackie you know you fucked up. Unfortunately that doesn't stop anyone from picking on Hawk and I. Maximus, Marcus, and Jackie we're all safe from, well everyone but Hawk and I we're not so lucky. I was smelting metal I was going to use for a Music box I was crafting for Maximus's birthday when Bobby snider walked over to me and threw his shoulder into my arm almost knocking me into the flames. I stumbled then whipped around to see him and his buddies snickering, I balled my fists but I knew I couldn't do any real damage. " You idiots, watch where you're going" They just howled in laughter mocking My accent and pretending to sip tea from imaginary cups. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my project taking it out of the furnace and cooling it. Just then the bell rang and I put all my equipment away, grabbing my bag I ignored those boys yelling profanities and high fiving behind my back. I couldn't help but feel anger, and insignificant as I walked away and closed my eyes. Not paying attention I ran into someone like a fool, looking up I saw Troy, the tall scrawny, jet blacked haired geek standing in front of me, He smiled and I noticed he'd gotten his braces off so people stopped poking fun at him. " Hi Jade" he said, I looked up lazily " Hullo Troy, how are you?" he smiled and made his way around me " Perfect, thanks for asking." With those words he moved away. I only had to suffer through one more class before I got to go home. I took a seat in calculus, A class most seniors only took. I opened my blue print book and began to sketch something when Mr. Smith started moving about the class room handing out report cards, I glanced wearily at mine and put my book away. I was decent at this class, but not great. We began the lesson and I took notes, we had three minutes until the bell rang so Mr. smith gave us our homework and let us pack up. When the bell rang I was the first person up and out of the class, I was standing at my locker when a wrinkly finger tapped my shoulder, I turned to see Jackie's Math teacher standing at my side with something in her hands. " Hello, will you please give this to your sister?" I nodded silently and took Jackie's report card stuffing it into my bag, I walked outside to Meet up with Maximus, and Marcus but found them both lifting Jackie's motorcycle in the bed of Maximus's pick up truck. Maximus was still a younger kid, yet he knew every rule of the road, and managed to get a legitimate drivers licence. We got back to the high rise and swiped my card entering the building. Jackie was sitting on the couch watching TV eating what people call chips. " You got your report card, Mrs. Garth said you left it in first period." Jackie just nodded and I sighed resting my forehead in my palm. "Well take it then" "nah" she replied with a mouthful. I slunk into my workshop and speedily did my homework, not caring what I got wrong, then I managed to tear open the envelope in which held the card. I sighed in relief, I managed to scrape by with an eighty eight. Setting the paper aside I went to work, creating new gear, and weapons for the next heist, this one we would need new stuff, and I was supposed to help. 

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