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I pulled my goggles to the top of my head, ruffling around my bag I take out my hair gel and gel my already spiked red hair. I gave goofy smile to a woman I was walking by at the same time, taking in every detail, examining her. Not married, not a suitable mark so I kept walking. I put my gel back into my bag and slung it over my shoulder trying to look casual. My black leather jacket over my olive green long sleeve shirt and jeans made my appearance less likely to be noticed. I grinned mischievously as I bumped into a man in a suit " I am so sorry, I'm clumsy" My faked Irish accent showing heavily. He just nodded in understanding and kept walking, muttering something about cute tourist children, I waited just long enough until when he was out of sight and earshot to pick through his wallet taking out his credit card and cash. The park was beautiful this time of night and it was even better when you were stealing peoples belongings and money. I am Hawk, I'm what people call the "observer"

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