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My cruel smile played across my lips as I watched The light fade from the clerks eyes, My long black hair swept behind me, I pulled my pistol out of its holster and in a swift movement fired two short shots into the man's chest with no hesitation, no regret. I move up and down the shelves collecting all the valuables from the shelves and cases stuffing them into a large burlap bag.  Giving a mocking salute at the body, I slipped my knife back into its place on my belt,  and my pistol into it's holster. I grabbed the bag and sprinted into the night. The police cars and men crept into the corner of my vision, giving an exasperated sigh I pull the light weight riffle from my back and aimed the barrel down setting the operation to full automatic, moving the trigger off safety took a deep breath and fired at will. My almond eyes narrowing as each bullet found it's mark. I am Jackie, I am the Killer.  

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