Take the good with the bad.

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(Hawk's POV)

we arrived at our building, I slid my card through the slot and the doors unlocked. we made our way down to the basement and carefully knocked on the door. Jade opened it and stepped out, the first thing she uttered was " weapons, now." I swear at that exact moment you could pinpoint when everyone knew they were dead, or knew they were going to die. I stepped back as Jade looked over each and every piece of equipment then slowly contemplate about the damage, her fading lime green hair falling onto one half of her face. When she yelled is when you could her the accent the most, and damn did she yell. The rest of the team looked down sheepishly. After about ten minuets of Jade spitting profanities she sulked back into what we called her "layer" slamming the door shut.

" Bloody hell" I kept up the accent knowing how annoying it was. Sitting at the dinner table with my feet up. " You guys really were screwed.  Marcus are you sure your calculations are on point? that looked worse than a seven and a half" I smirked and Marcus scowled grumbling " Shut up pigeon" Pigeon was Marcus's nick name for me, he thinks its hilarious because my name is Hawk, not all birds are the same dumbass. I just smirked and pulled out an apple, I was about to take a bite when Jackie and her entire Asian well, everything plucked it out of my hand and ruffled my hair. " Oh for gods sake!" I straightened it up again manipulating the red mess into spikes that resembled Bart Simpson's.  " You know that pisses me off!" I exclaimed, she yelled back on her way to her room " I know you idiot, That's why I do it!"

I went and changed into shorts and a T-shirt, we had school in the morning, and I had to get some sleep or else I couldn't function. why do we bother going to school? Well Maximus believes we should so we do, end if story. We always trust his judgment. I drift into a light sleep, dreaming something about pancakes, which is pretty typical of me. I wake to the alarm going off and I slide out of bed groaning. I look up to see everyone moving around gathering their belongings. Jade purposely stepping on my feet. I get my backpack and eat some cereal, throwing my usual clothes on I make my way out the door. My olive green long sleeve, jeans, and tennis shoes. I grab my skateboard and goggles. No one can deprive me of these, Maximus has tried and I made his week hell boiling in a void of white male privilege and homophobes. So, his life sucked for a while. Jade walks out in a ragged shirt and jeans looking like she hadn't slept int the past three days,  which should be accurate. Maximus is just wearing a black T-shirt, jeans and a red and  black plaid button up shirt. Then Jackie comes out in black jean's, a My Chemical Romance shirt and a beanie. I roll my eyes at Marcus who is the fucking king of denim, I swear. I'm going to let you picture whatever you want because i'm not describing that. We walk out side, I get on my skateboard, Jackie gets on her
Freaking motorcycle and everyone else piles into maximus's car, Now we're ready to face my, and many other people's personal hell. High school.

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