The sting of the Scorpion

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(Hawk's POV) 

I ran my hand through my hair but even that couldn't distract me from my feelings. Darkness, hurt, pain, loss, longing, and even a faint bit of hope. Maximus went to his room and slammed what was left of his door shut, Marcus went to Jade's room and looked around, in a sudden movement that made us all jump Jackie turned and punched the wall, I heard bones break and then, dead silence. I sighed and sat on a crouch, my knees going up into my shoulders, almost how L sits in Death note. Jade could be cold and distant sometimes but out of everyone, she was the closest I had to a sister, or sibling in general. I couldn't cry, that's stupid and weak, no instead I'm going to get mad, i'll show these jerks who they're truly messing with, and how bad they've screwed up. No, today is the day I will kill, or be killed because I need my sister back at all costs. 

Jackie was taking this hard, even with her broken hand she would just demolish everything, I watched sometimes flinching, grimacing, or even both at the same time with my eyes closed, I couldn't let this get to me were I just start a path of destruction. ahem Jackie, I rose slowly surprisingly steady, Looking around I made my way over to Jackie who was still punching the wall and took her hand in mine. I looked her in the eye, a faint smile playing across my lips " You have to stop. destroying yourself, and other things isn't going to bring Jade back okay?" she gave a slight nod and I gently lead her to the bathroom, I cleaned the wounds. The blood turning a pinkish color as it touched the water and slipped down the drain disappearing from sight. "better?" she nodded, Her finger's were still broken but I couldn't do anything about that at the moment I made my way to Marcus, he was sitting staring at Jade's hand in the bloody bag eyes glossy, almost seeing nothing. Maximus came out of his room, he held up the letter we found and started speaking, when he speak's people tend to listen. " Alright I found out who did it, it was the linksus gang, we all know that one" all of nodded grimly " I think I know the reason why Jade was taken, two reasons actually. one, to get to us. the second, well we all know the second." The leader of the linksus is scorpion, he kills for fun, he was the one to kill Jade's parent's. Or so we think.

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