Going down

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( Maximus's POV) 

I looked at my sister sitting across from me, thirteen? no that couldn't be right, she was nine just last month. " Max?" her voice was still small, and high for a pre teen, " Yeah kiddo?" " why did you leave me?" I paused and looked her in the eye, all I saw was pain and betrayal, not a hint of innocence left " i'm sorry, I shouldn't have. I made a mistake, I thought I was keeping you safe, I was wrong. I didn't mean to hurt you" she looked at me, her eyes darting back and forth looking for lies in my statement. "Whatever, I missed you though. I'm glad your're back, even if you are a killer, thief, and con artist." I couldn't take it, I got up and grabbed her arm, kneeling down I dragged her out of the seat and hugged her, I couldn't let go. Not again. I couldn't watch the world collapse around me then lose the only blood sibling I had left, I needed her, no matter how much I denied it I needed t o face the truth. I killed me inside when she didn't hug back, in fact she flinched when I grabbed her. I think she's scared of me, " Okay, would you like anything? we have food, drinks and all sorts of things." she glanced at me skeptically " Cheetos?" I chuckled " Alright" for the first time she actually smiled, a true smile, it wasn't forced. I walked to the back of the plain, I grabbed a coke and a bag of Cheetos. I also grabbed two things that I think were mandatory if Arylan was going to be around us. I walked back as she was tying her hair into a ponytail. She had changed into a black T-shirt and cargo pants with a black nylon jacket. I handed her the Cheetos and sat down across the table. I opened my mouth to speak but at the same moment heard a loud metal on metal scraping noise, I looked over to see Jackie sharpening her sword and shot her a glare. " Arylan?" she turned back to me " Yeah?" I looked her in the eye, " I need you to have something if you're going to be with us." " she looked at me " ok" with that I handed her the Katana and pistol.  

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