Story 18 - "My Deepest Desire"

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Authors note:

Not really sure what to put as a summary (unless you can guess from the title), so I guess yall are going in blind. This also ended up way longer than I first thought it would. Hope you enjoy :)

I'm sure I saw a Tweet with this idea once, plus there are probably more fics like it, so creds to those people. This is just my take on it. It's set somewhere between 3x04 (what was intended to be the season 2 finale) and the rest of season 3. It is after Landon has come back from the dead (again).

"I just don't get why you keep putting your life on the line for everybody else!" Landon shouts, waving his arms around. Hope stops, standing completely still as she glares at him and scoffs.

"Do you even hear yourself?" She walks a step closer to her boyfriend. Her entire body is practically vibrating with rage. It radiates from her, and she's pretty sure Landon can sense it, judging by the look in his eyes. "I put my life on the line because it means saving everyone in the school. Y'know, my friends...our friends."

Hope says it like it should be obvious. Most of their friends - Josie, Lizzie, Pedro, almost all of the younger students, are mortal and could die. Hope, on the other hand, she'd just come back. So it really shouldn't be up for debate.

"What about when you jumped into Josie's mind to save her, hm? You knew the risks, but you went ahead with the plan anyway! And then, then you got stuck, Hope! If it wasn't for your Aunt Freya, we might have never got you back, don't you get that?" He explains. Hope's heart thuds at the mention of Josie as her mind flashes to the time in the girl's subconscious. Those weeks had been hard, with hardly any company other than Josie when she slept. She's reminded of how upset Josie had been when Hope first went to rescue her. She can't believe that he would just throw all of that in her face in the way that he has.

"Of course I get it, but the dark magic was poisoning her mind, Landon! I had to help her, I couldn't just give up on her!" She counters. Hope can hardly believe the words being thrown at her. He's mad that she helped someone? Hope would've let the argument slide had it been about anything else, after all her boyfriend has been through some pretty traumatic events recently, but she can't let it go when it is about protecting people. She thinks perhaps he's more affected by it all than he's letting on.

"You could've waited until we had a better solution!" He yells back, louder than before. For a moment, Hope's grateful they are in the privacy of her room, but then she remembers almost half of the students have super hearing. Anybody that is listening in can hear their argument, which makes her far more angry.

She feels herself on the verge of saying something she regrets. She needs to get out of there before she actually says it. "I can't do this right now." Hope turns and storms out, ignoring Landon's calls for her as she leaves. If he says one more word to her face, she may explode.

Hope has no idea where she's going, she just keeps walking. The girl feels the eyes of curious students as she walks through the halls. When she reaches the main doors, she doesn't even have to open them as her magic does it for her. Hope keeps going through the trees until her feet stop moving outside the Old Mill. She walks in, pacing back and forth, her breathing heavy. She can her heartbeat ringing in her ears. Hope looks up, punching the first object she sees. The box flies to the other side of the building, bursting its way through the wall and landing on the mud outside. It helps a bit, so she throws something else across the room, and again, and again until she gives up and screams. Hope's scream is sharp, sending a wave of magic outwards. It travels outside the Mill, tearing the leaves off of all trees nearby, even cracking the wood of some of them. Beams inside the Mill fall to the floor.

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