Chapter 21

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Since its summer I decide to go outside for once. But never taking off my headphones. I walk around town since my dad lets me. I walk to this park, can't remember the name for the life of me, and I see Kiki sitting on top of a bench texting god knows who. She spots me and commands me to get, and I quote, my Jaune ass over there.

"I swear to god Kayleigh you are the slowest walker in history. Even when I'm lazy I can walk faster than that." She laughs away.

"Well, at least I have friends." I tease her back. She fakes a offended look.

And said "And were are these so called 'friends' you have?"

"Ummm. Not in my imagination. That for sure." Trying to sound sarcastic as possible. "Ok so I only have like 3, so what?"

"You my friend, are absolutely sad. Even I have more friends then that." She sarcastically states.

"Name 5." I challenge.

"Lets go back to kindergarten why don't we. Ok so there's : Jim, Jeff, Steve, You, Cole. There."

"So you have 3 non-existent friends?" I raise my eyebrow at her. Trying to contain my laughter I hear a lightning strike.

"Ladies, did I miss anything?" Asks the snob named Ricky.

"Puberty?" Which was honestly true, he's like us. Except 3 years older, which makes him 17.

"You smart-ass. You, who are you again? I know you tell me your name every time I see you, but it can't stick in my head."

"Bullshit!" I immediately shout.

"You, little youngster watch you mouth." He warns. It was true though. He was talking bull.

"I want to make a deal with you." He says with confidence.

"What kind of deal?" Kiki pipes in. She seems pretty serious about it.

"Well...." He starts when....


Haha cliffhanger. I hope who ever is reading this likes this. If things get to confusing just message me or ask in the comments. I'm sorry if this sucks it's my first time writing a full on book.

Till next time

Swerve ✌

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