Chapter 26

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It's been three weeks since I found Tara dead. I'm honestly happy, but weirded out on finding her. But I never told the police until five days ago. Right now I'm in a very uncomfortable dress at her funeral. Everybody's crying while I'm biting down a smile. I don't see what these people saw in her. She was a monster! Literally.

"Would Kayleigh August please join me to read her eulogy." The church guy calls me up.

"Umm, I didn't know her long. About 5.7 years. But once I saw her again, we re-connected. Not at first but we did. When we did, I learned I was much like her. Stubborn, creative, adventurous, and very opinionated. I wanted to get to know her even more, have her wisdom guiding me throughout my life, instead not getting to know her even more. I know she was close to you all so thank you for being here today, to celebrate her life." I wave as I excuse my self. Once I get to the washroom and laugh my ass off on what I just said. Some lady from the funeral looked at me with disgust in her eyes.

"You listen here girl, she may not have been the best mother in the world, but at least she came back and tried. Ok?"

"Oh okay, is a mother supposed to abandon her daughter? Is she supposed to leave you alone wit your dad? I not to sure so if you would please excuse me I'm going to go bury the woman who birthed me. Ok?" The last I say mocking her. I was somehow calm. Not angered. I walk out there to the grave and pretend to cry. But after a while, the tears become real. I just cry and cry without taking notice of the time.

After hours I brought myself home. Only to find boxes. All over. I look in Kyle's room, boxes. Even his bed is packed up.

"Kayleigh?" I hear a small voice from behind. "Yes Kyle?" I turn. To see his eyes filled with tears, cheeks stained, lips whimpering. I could feel the hurt from his hug that he embraced.

"We're moving." He said just above a whisper. The tears came streaming down my cheeks. I needed to hide, stay out somewhere. Just until my brothers settled and alright. Even though neither of us liked Tara, the woman did give birth to us.

~One Month Later~

After weeks of staying at my dads parents house, I finally can see Kyle. Oh how I've missed him. I couldn't call him because then my dad would know where I was, that moment wouldn't be the greatest. He needed to cope. Me standing there probably would trigger something and have him at his old ways. Kyle doesn't need that right now, nor did he before.

The reason I hid out was because my fathers secrets were getting the best of him. I couldn't risk getting caught trying to figure them out. Plus, what's her face lives around there. I literally cannot remember her name though. I needed to find out why he moved, but the bitter truth was soon to come. Don't ask how I know that, I just do.

Anyways, I have been asking dads parents about his past, they were pretty hush hush about it.

^Present Day^

Once I found his true identity, I took Kyle and fled. Not the country but the city. At least for a while. Kiki has lent us her safe house.

But I had to find out, why he's done what he's done. Why he needed to kill the woman who birthed us. What motivated my father to go haywire.

Hearing a branch crack near me I just run. My heart pounding as soon as my feet move. I couldn't be caught. As soon as I run out of breath is when the stranger who is chasing me catches me, even when I was so far from the safe house.

"I caught you now bitch. You can't run now." Her voice growls at me. Honestly, I wasn't surprised to find Alandra was growing a bit extra fur and claws. Her eyes where deep deep red. As if they were only blood instead of irises.

"No I can't run. Your right. You caught me. Now, answer this: who bit you?" Her confused face soon smirks as if her filthy mind took over her.

"Your mother." Her snotty attitude replies.

"Ok, the whole good girl pretending to be bad thing is not working for you. No tell me who bit you or I will legitimintly  kill you." Starring right into her eye as my face turns into a scowl. Her face loosens and the claws retract, but the eyes stay red, as if they were made that way.

"A very tell man, he looked like your dad but he wasn't as chubby. It was as if he lost his eye colour like me." I gasped, for one: because of the amount of cheesiness in my life now, two: because my dad turned Alandra into a beast.

What I needed to do, was something I never wanted to have to do. But it was needed. I couldn't think of Kyle living with a monster.


YAY I've updated again, thanks to those who actually cared that didn't for more than a month.

Thought? Predictions? Anything? You people are quite. Like, I don't know how to describe it but ya.

Anyways. Peace


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