Chapter 12

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*Kayleigh's POV*

I get home go straight to my room. Before I make it to the stairs I hear people talking in the living room.

"What's going on in here?" I ask wondering who the random people are in my house.

"Oh sweetheart this is my side of the family." Tara says. God I despise that woman. She just magically appears. I hear the thoughts. Goddammit.

"I thought we discussed not to call each other those names." I sneer at her.

"But honey-" she starts.

"Let me stop you there. You can't just waltz into my life after 8 years and pretend everything's alright.
You left me to grow up without a mom. Do you know how much that hurt. I was 5 when you left. Ok? So don't pretend everything's alright." I snap in front of everyone. I have no shame. I stomp up to my room and stay there until I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Greg. Otherwise known as your papa." OMG! I haven't seen him since, well, I can't really remember.

"Come in." I allow him in because he was the one I liked. He was fun.

"I want to explain something to you. Your mother left because she needed to leave. I know it must have been hard for you to grow up without a mother.
But if she didn't leave your father would have beat her to death. And came close to it to. So please find it somewhere in that body of yours to forgive her. I'm not asking you to. I'm asking if your willing to." I let this sink in. I never knew this. I don't remember any of this at all.

"I'll attempt. I'm not saying I will. But I will attempt." This is my answer. And will stay my answer for awhile.

I know this I shorter then the original. But deal with it. Peace.

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