Chapter 28

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"So please calm yourself's and grow up. Jake go suck on your boy toy. I need Alandras help with something that doesn't concern you. Alandra, calm down he is not trying to kill you. So it's all fine." I am now standing in the middle of them with his fangs out and her claws out. Still couldn't help on how cliché and cheesy all this is, the fact that a year ago I would have just left my family be. Now I'm attempting to kill one while I watched the other die.

"Are you sure he's not trying to kill me? Because if he is I am so done." Her voice was as stable as water. You could hear the fear that she felt.

"I wasn't trying to kill you. I was trying to get Kayleigh to change her mind about me. I wasn't trying to kill you I was trying to kill her. " I looked at him with more shock then water and electricity.

"What the literal fuck Jake? So now your trying to kill me? The fuck are you thinking you dead asshole. WHAT THE FUCK!" That was a fucking plot twist. In my head I made a spell that could turn him into a frog. He shrunk down and I stabbed him with a blade I had in my back pocket.

"Okay way too much happened way too fast. I am not sure what to do right now." She seated herself on a log beside her.

"You can help me kill my father. I just have one question for you." I looked her dead in the eyes while she looked at me in bewilderment.


"Do you want to be human again? Because if you help me do this, that's what you will become. You will be able to go to school again and go into the public. Are you up for this?" My face never twitched while I said this, I stared into her eyes and all I could see was the hope of being normal again. The hope of losing her new identity for her new one.

"Yes. I'm up for this." From what used to be a hatred between us soon became a mutual respect. I could see a faint smile and a little bit of a glow on her cheeks. I can feel her hope.

"Let's go. We have a lot to do, first we should have an official place where we can meet about this. If we are going to kill him we need a fool proof plan that can deceive him. We need something that can be easily executed to the point where we can actually do this. So you really are ready for this?" I needed her assurance so she wouldn't get cold feet. I needed to know that she wouldn't back out of this. So I can know exactly what's going on at what time. I needed her promise that she was committed to this because once she was in there was no going back.

"I'm sure. You can trust me, I want him dead as much as you do." Her voice was concrete and I believed her for a second.

"Now what are we going to do, he is not the easiest to trick or catch off guard. I need to know What would be our first move." I couldn't help but had second thoughts. I was more worried about Alandra than I was about myself.

"I think we should lure him. But not right away, little bits at a time to make him curious. Then we make a small deal. Not a huge one, one like If you promise to stay out of the territory I will sleep with you something subtle like that."

"You would sleep with my dad?! What the actual fuck Alandra?!" I cringed at the idea. Almost puking at the image. Not that I would picture that.

"Calm yourself, I was kidding but something along those lines. Something small. Like the size of his di-"

"Okay I've heard enough!" I cover my ears because he was my father after all. Then I remember that I am trying to kill him.

"Any ways, after the deal we could then try to gain his trust by sending someone in as a trick. Once we're in we make our final move in killing him." Her plan was cliché but it was doable. And I could imagine that. I think we could do this.

We had gotten a place and thought out half our plan. It has been three weeks since we first talked about this, three weeks since my first idea, and three weeks since I had killed my best friend, so much has happened. So much that needed to be done, and it needed to be done quickly.

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